Identifier: Text-S19370
Title: An integrated geological, geophysical, and geochemical investigation of the major fractures on the east side of the New Madrid earthquake zone
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.; Reesman, A. L.
Identifier: Text-S20489
Title: One-dimensional gravity calculation and Paleozoic structure and plutons at Reelfoot Scarp
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.; Wilson, S. L.
Identifier: Text-S27734
Title: Recent vertical movement of the land surface in the Lake County uplift and Reelfoot Lake Basin areas, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kentucky / prepared by R. G. Stearns, Vanderbilt University, Department of Geology ; prepared for Division of Reactor Safety Research, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.
Identifier: Text-S27870
Title: Earth resistivity as a tool for shallow exploration in the Reelfoot Lake area, Tennessee
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.; Haselton, T. M.; Tsau, J.
Identifier: Text-S27946
Title: Post-Eocene fault near east edge of Reelfoot Rift in Lauderdale County, Tennessee : as discovered by gravity, earth resistivity surveys, and drilling
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.; Wilson, S. L.; Nava, S. J.
Identifier: Text-S30439
Title: Influence of shallow structure, and a clay-filled Mississippi River channel on details of the gravity field at the Reelfoot Scarp, Lake County, Tennessee
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.
Identifier: Text-S33730
Title: Relationships of earthquakes and geology in West Tennessee and adjacent areas
Creator(s): Stearns, Richard G.; Wilson, Charles W.