Identifier: Text-1276078
Title: Guidelines, specifications, and seismic performance characterization of nonstructural building components and equipment
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Christopoulos, Constantin; Stearns, Christopher C.
Identifier: Text-1282237
Title: Performance of beam to column bridge joints subjected to a large velocity pulse
Creator(s): Gibson, Natalie L.; Filiatrault, André; Ashford, Scott A.
Identifier: Text-200702123
Title: Friction damping: an innovative earthquake resistant design approach for structures
Creator(s): Cherry, Sheldon; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-200902234
Title: Experimental seismic performance evaluation of isolation/restraint systems for mechanical equipment: Part 1 - heavy equipment study
Creator(s): Fathali, Saeed; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-200905113
Title: Development and appraisal of a numerical cyclic loading protocol for quantifying building system performance
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Wanitkorkul, Assawin; Constantinou, Michalakis C.
Identifier: Text-200907071
Title: Numerical and experimental studies of self-centering post-tensioned steel frames
Creator(s): Wang, Dong; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-200907072
Title: New experimental capabilities and loading protocols for seismic qualification and fragility assessment of nonstructural systems
Creator(s): Retamales, Rodrigo; Mosqueda, Gilberto; Filiatrault, André; Reinhorn, Andrei M.
Identifier: Text-2010071418
Title: Seismic testing of a full-scale two story light-frame wood building: NEESWood benchmark test
Creator(s): Christovasilis, Ioannis P.; Filiatrault, André; Wanitkorkul, Assawin
Identifier: Text-201106273
Title: Seismic qualification requirements for transformer bushings
Creator(s): Matt, Howard; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201111151
Title: Numerical and experimental investigation of the seismic response of light-frame wood structures
Creator(s): Christovasilis, Ioannis P.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201112192
Title: LRFD-based analysis and design procedures for bridge bearings and seismic isolators
Creator(s): Constantinou, Michalakis C.; Kalpakidis, Ioannis V.; Filiatrault, André; Ecker Lay, Ricardo A.
Identifier: Text-201207105
Title: Seismic design and analysis of a precast segmental concrete bridge model
Creator(s): Anagnostopoulou, Myrto; Filiatrault, André; Aref, Amjad J.
Identifier: Text-201207131
Title: Experimental seismic evaluation, model parameterization, and effects of cold-formed steel-framed gypsum partition walls on the seismic performance of an essential facility
Creator(s): Davies, Ryan D.; Retamales, Rodrigo; Mosqueda, Gilberto; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-2013042417
Title: Influence of the loading rate and the floor slab on the seismic performance of RBS connections for steel moment resisting frames
Creator(s): Tremblay, Robert; Tchebotarev, Nicolai; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201304244
Title: Seismic retrofit of steel moment resisting frames with passive friction energy dissipating systems
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Tremblay, Robert
Identifier: Text-2014011313
Title: Enhancing the resilience of acute care facilities : an overview of MCEER research
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201402213
Title: Seismic performance of porcelain station post insulators
Creator(s): Kong, Dohwan; Schiff, Anshel J.; Reinhorn, Andrei M.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201403149
Title: Experimental stdy on the seismic behavior of nonstructural components subjected to full-scale floor motions
Creator(s): Retamales, Rodrigo; Mosqueda, Gilberto; Filiatrault, André; Reinhorn, Andrei M.
Identifier: Text-201405144
Title: Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Tremblay, Robert; Christopoulos, Constantin; Folz, Bryan R.; Pettinga, J. Didier
Identifier: Text-201407253
Title: Pounding of adjacent structures during earthquakes : a review of the current state of knowledge
Creator(s): Carr, Athol J.; Moss, Peter J.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201407301
Title: Experimental studies of substation equipment interactions
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Kremmidas, Spyridon; Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201408086
Title: Electrical substation equipment interaction - experimental rigid conductor studies
Creator(s): Stearns, Christopher C.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201408261
Title: Application of the specific barrier model to the seismic fragility assessment of critical facilities
Creator(s): Wanitkorkul, Assawin; Halldorsson, Benedikt; Papageorgiou, Apostolos S.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-2014082811
Title: Performance based earthquake engineering of pallet-type steel storage racks
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Bachman, Robert E.; Mahoney, Michael
Identifier: Text-201409236
Title: Hysteretic behavior of steel fibre-reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Katzensteiner, B. O.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201410101
Title: Seismic behavior of ductile concentric steel x-bracings
Creator(s): Tremblay, Robert; Archambault, Marie H.; Filiatrault, André
Identifier: Text-201503064
Title: Seismic performance of timber shearwalls fastened with wood adhesive
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Foschi, Ricardo O.
Identifier: Text-201505272
Title: Behavior of steel moment resisting frames with post-tensioned energy dissipating connections
Creator(s): Christopoulos, Constantin; Filiatrault, André; Uang, Chia M.
Identifier: Text-201506055
Title: Direct displacement based seismic design of wood framed buildings
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Folz, Bryan R.
Identifier: Text-201601279
Title: Seismic behavior of nonstructural partition walls subjected to full-scale floor motions
Creator(s): Mosqueda, Gilberto; Retamales, Rodrigo; Filiatrault, André; Reinhorn, Andrei M.