The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201303063
Title: Fragilities for precarious rocks at Yucca Mountain
Creator(s): Purvance, Matthew D.; Anooshehpoor, Rasool; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201507014
Title: Physical phenomena controlling high-frequency seismic wave generation in earthquakes
Creator(s): Anderson, John G.; Brune, James N.; Wesnousky, Steven G.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19132
Title: The Cerro Prieto, Baja California, earthquake of February 6, 1987, and processed strong-motion data
Creator(s): Munguia, Luis; Anderson, John G.; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20947
Title: Seismological studies
Creator(s): Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21671
Title: Numero especial dedicado al sismo ocurrido en Oaxaca el 29 de Noviembre de 1978
Creator(s): Ponce, Lautaro; Brune, James N.; McNally, Karen

Icon Identifier: Text-S26772
Title: Simulations of strong ground motion for earthquakes in the Mexicali-Imperial Valley
Creator(s): Munguia, Luis; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S26860
Title: Earthquake hazard and prediction in northwest Mexico and California/Mexico border : [semi-annual technical and final report]
Creator(s): Brune, James N.; Reichle, Michael S.

Icon Identifier: Text-S26861
Title: Earthquake hazard and prediction in NW Mexico and California/Mexico border
Creator(s): Reichle, Michael; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27043
Title: Surface strong motion associated with stick-slip event in a foam rubber model of earthquakes
Creator(s): Archuleta, Ralph J.; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29576
Title: The importance of strong motion seismology in India
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Brune, James N.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30325
Title: Foam rubber modeling of seismic site effects and soil-structure interaction
Creator(s): Anooshehpoor, A.; Brune, James N.; Lovberg, R. H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S33307
Title: Travel times, body waves, and normal modes of the earth
Creator(s): Brune, James N.