Identifier: Text-S19111
Title: Seismic probabilistic risk assessment and seismic margins studies for nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Lin, Y. K.
Identifier: Text-S19514
Title: Seismic fragility analysis of shear wall structures
Creator(s): Jaw, Jing W.; Hwang, Howard H.
Identifier: Text-S19586
Title: Seismic fragility analysis of plane frame structures
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Low, Yeng K.
Identifier: Text-S19791
Title: Seismic performance assessment of code-designed structures
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Jaw, Jing W.; Shau, How J.
Identifier: Text-S20018
Title: Statistical evaluation of response modification factors for reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Jaw, Jing W.
Identifier: Text-S20384
Title: Statistical evaluation of deflection amplification factors for reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Jaw, Jing W.; Ch, ng A.
Identifier: Text-S20386
Title: Bedrock accelerations in Memphis area due to large New Madrid earthquakes
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Chen, C. H.; Yu, G.
Identifier: Text-S29816
Title: Seismic performance of code-designed reinforced concrete frame structures
Creator(s): Hwang, Howard H.; Hsu, Hui M.
Identifier: Text-S33411
Title: Seismic fragility analysis of equipment and structures in a Memphis electric substation
Creator(s): Huo, Jun R.; Hwang, Howard H.