Identifier: Text-2005121425
Title: Response of Soft Soils During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and Implications for Seismic Design Criteria
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Lysmer, John; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-2006030925
Title: Recent lessons regarding seismic response analysis of soft and deep clay sites
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-200707131
Title: Recent lessons regarding seismic response analyses of soft and deep clay sites
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-200903126
Title: Dynamic response of soft and deep cohesive soils during the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Text-2016032811
Title: Seismic response analysis for soft clay
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, C. M.
Identifier: Text-8951
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Riemer, Michael F.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Sitar, Nicholas; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Idriss, I. M.; Kayen, Robert E.; Kropp, Alan L.; Harder, Leslie F.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-LIB050273
Title: Seismic response of soft clay sites: recent lessons
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-LIB050274
Title: Site-dependent seismic site response
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Text-S20113
Title: Evaluation of the engineering properties of sand deposits associated with liquefaction sites in the Charleston, SC area : a report of first-year findings submitted to United States Geological Survey
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.; Martin, J. R.; Clough, G. W.
Identifier: Text-S33022
Title: Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake of January 17, 1995 : a post-earthquake reconnaissance of port facilities
Creator(s): Werner, Stuart D.; Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0390
Title: Pier 45 (Fisherman's Wharf)
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0391
Title: Pier 45. Settlement inside warehouse C
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0397
Title: Structural damage due to liquefaction
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0401
Title: Structural damage due to settlement
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0403
Title: Buildings on Shotwell Street
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0405
Title: Shotwell between 17th and 18th
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0415
Title: Damage to warehouse
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0436
Title: Liquefaction of fluvial/beach deposits
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0445
Title: Liquefaction and lateral spread
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0452
Title: Liquefaction in agricultural fields
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0459
Title: Front and Davis St
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0462
Title: 6th and Bluxome St.
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0464
Title: Cypress Structure, Bent 75
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0466
Title: Embarcadero Freeway
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.
Identifier: Image-LP0480
Title: Austrian Dam, exploratory trenching
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.