Identifier: Text-S19000
Title: Long-period microseisms, literature review : analysis of Umea records
Creator(s): Bath, Markus; Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S20334
Title: Seismological Department, Uppsala progress report 1983-1987
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S23239
Title: Earthquake insurance coefficients with application to some South-Central American capitals
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27116
Title: Seismological Section, Uppsala, progress report, 1975-1979
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S27120
Title: Engineering aspects of the seismicity of Sweden
Creator(s): Wahlstrom, Rutger; Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S27825
Title: Source parameters of some presumed Semipalatinsk underground nuclear explosions
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S29871
Title: Seismological Department, Uppsala progress report 1987-1991
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota