Identifier: Text-S19000
Title: Long-period microseisms, literature review : analysis of Umea records
Creator(s): Bath, Markus; Kulhanek, Ota
Identifier: Text-S19252
Title: Mathematical aspects of seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus; Berkhout, A. J.
Identifier: Text-S23239
Title: Earthquake insurance coefficients with application to some South-Central American capitals
Creator(s): Kulhanek, Ota; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26120
Title: Engineering analysis of ground motion in Sweden : Fourier and response spectra, attenuation, regional magnitude, energy, acceleration
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26491
Title: Seismology in Sweden in 1967-1971; Contribution to the National report of Sweden from the Seismological Institute, Uppsala
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26504
Title: An earthquake catalogue for Turkey for the interval 1913-1970
Creator(s): Alsan, Esen; Tezucan, Levent; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26523
Title: A seismic refraction investigation of superficial granitic layering
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26585
Title: Seismicity of the Tanzania region
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26955
Title: Spectral analysis in geophysics
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S26974
Title: An analysis of the time term method in refraction seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27001
Title: First-arrival seismic waves generated by underwater explosions
Creator(s): Meyer, Klaus; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27057
Title: Mathematical aspects of seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27059
Title: Introduction to seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27060
Title: Introduction to seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27094
Title: A rockburst sequence at the Grangesberg iron ore mines in central Sweden
Creator(s): Bath, Markus; Wahlstrom, Rutger
Identifier: Text-S27095
Title: A rockburst sequence at the Grangesberg iron ore mines in central Sweden : part II
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27097
Title: Source mechanism determenation of short distance microearthquakes
Creator(s): Shapira, Avi; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27099
Title: A rockburst sequence at the Grangesberg iron ore mines in central Sweden : part III
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27100
Title: Some aspects of global seismicity
Creator(s): Bath, Markus; Duda, Seweryn J.
Identifier: Text-S27126
Title: A seismic refraction profile in Swedish Lapland
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27134
Title: P wave reflections from the free surface, the ocean bottom and the Mohorovicic discontinuity
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27136
Title: Global tectonic relations : a project for the future
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27138
Title: Multiple P waves
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27140
Title: Travel times of diffracted P waves
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27548
Title: Location of teleseisms from P-wave arrivals at the Swedish stations
Creator(s): Shapira, Avi; Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S27555
Title: Short-period Rayleigh waves from near-surface seismic events
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S28071
Title: Earthquake frequency and energy in Greece
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S28324
Title: Seismological Institute Uppsala progress report 1971-1975
Creator(s): Bath, Markus
Identifier: Text-S28891
Title: Seismology
Creator(s): Bath, Markus