Identifier: Text-2005121310
Title: Incorporation of Earthquake Source, Propogation Path, and Site Uncertainties into Assessment of Liquefaction Potential: Phase I, Validation
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Darragh, Robert B.; Gregor, Nicholas J.
Identifier: Text-200705157
Title: Surface geology based strong motion amplification factors for the San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles areas
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Li, Sylvia; Gregor, Nicholas J.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-200706052
Title: Development of regional hard rock attenuation relations for central and eastern North America, mid-continent and gulf coast areas
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Gregor, Nicholas J.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-201106279
Title: Development of attenuation relations for peak particle velocity and displacement
Creator(s): Gregor, Nicholas J.; Silva, Walter J.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-201303224
Title: Estimated ground motions for a New Madrid event
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Darragh, Robert B.; Green, Robert K.; Turcotte, Thomas
Identifier: Text-201303288
Title: Tarzana, California: site response and characterization
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.; Graizer, Vladimir M.; Shakal, Anthony F.
Identifier: Text-201303289
Title: Strong motion data from ground-response sites and structures recorded during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Graizer, Vladimir M.; Darragh, Robert B.; Huang, Moh-jiann; Shakal, Anthony F.
Identifier: Text-2013040410
Title: Processed strong-motion records from the Limon, Costa Rica earthquake of 22 April 1991
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.; Cao, T.; Cramer, Chris H.; Shakal, Anthony F.; Santana, Guillermo
Identifier: Text-201305242
Title: Engineering characterization of earthquake strong ground motions in the Pacific Northwest
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Wong, Ivan G.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-201408087
Title: Development of analysis ground motions
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Li, Sylvia; Darragh, Robert B.; Gregor, Nicholas J.
Identifier: Text-201409181
Title: PEER Arizona Strong-Motion database and GMPEs evaluation
Creator(s): Kishida, Tadahiro; Kayen, Robert E.; Ktenidou, Olga-Joan; Silva, Walter J.; Darragh, Robert B.; Watson-Lamprey, Jennie Anne
Identifier: Text-201412014
Title: PEER NGA-East database
Creator(s): Goulet, Christine A.; Kishida, Tadahiro; Ancheta, Timothy D.; Cramer, Chris H.; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.; Hashash, Youssef M. A.; Harmon, Joseph A.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Wooddell, Katie E.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-201605273
Title: A Methodology for the estimation of Kappa (k) from large datasets: example application to rock sites in the NGA-East database and implications on design motions
Creator(s): Ktenidou, Olga-Joan; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.
Identifier: Text-201606081
Title: Semi-Automated procedure for windowing time series and computing Fourier amplitude spectra for the NGA-West2 database
Creator(s): Kishida, Tadahiro; Ktenidou, Olga-Joan; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.
Identifier: Text-201704172
Title: Expert panel recommendations for ergodic site amplification in Central and Eastern North America
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Parker, Grace A.; Harmon, Joseph A.; Atkinson, Gail M.; Boore, David M.; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.; Hashash, Youssef M. A.
Identifier: Text-5393
Title: Analysis of near-source waves: separation of wave types using strong motion array recordings
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-Lib050187
Title: Evaluation of numerical procedures for simulating near-fault long-period ground motions using Silva method
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Gregor, Nicholas J.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S30796
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Landers, California earthquake of 28 June 1992
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S30807
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Landers, California earthquake of 28 June 1992
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31061
Title: Engineering characterization of earthquake strong ground motions with applications to the Pacific Northwest
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Wong, Ivan G.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31071
Title: First interim set of CSMIP processed strong-motion records from the Sierra Madre, California earthquake of 28 June 1991
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31522
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Landers and Big Bear, California earthquakes of 28 June 1992 : San Bernardino - I10/215 interchange
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31659
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31814
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31815
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S31918
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S32171
Title: Processed CSMIP strong-motion records from the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S32201
Title: Processing of the upper left abutment record from Pacoima Dam for the Northridge Earthquake
Creator(s): Shakal, Anthony F.; Cao, T.; Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S32217
Title: Preliminary processed data for Tarzana - Cedar Hill Nursery A : from the Northridge earthquake of 17 January 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.
Identifier: Text-S32218
Title: Processed data for Pacoima - upper left abutment : from the Northridge earthquake of 17 January 1994
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert B.