The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-150211
Title: Simplified methods of analysis for earthquake resistant design of buildings
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Chopra, Anil K.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014022610
Title: A Comparison of the predicted seismic response of an electrostatic preceptor using a simplified and a sophisticated method
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Valdivia, Dania

Icon Identifier: Text-201506014
Title: A Comparison of measured and predicted earthquake behavior of support structures for large industrial equipment
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Valdivia, Dania

Icon Identifier: Text-201506154
Title: Evaluation of the seismic response of buildings obtained through analytical and experimental procedures
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Fernández-Dávila, V. I.

Icon Identifier: Text-S18968
Title: Analisis critico de algunas disposiciones de la norma chilena NCH 433 : calculo antisismico de edificios / Ernesto Cruz Z
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19067
Title: Estimacion de los niveles de solicitacion del sismo del 3 de marzo de 1985 en Santiago : usando el comportamiento de los edificios de albanileria armada
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Cruz, Ernesto F.; Luders, Sch C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S19927
Title: Lecciones del sismo del 3 de marzo de 1985
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Luders, Sch C.; Vasquez, Pinillos J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S20671
Title: Annual report on strong-motion records from SMASCH (1989)
Creator(s): Midorikawa, Saburoh; Cruz, Ernesto F.; Riddell, Rafael

Icon Identifier: Text-S20672
Title: Strong-motion array observation in Santiago, Chile (SMASCH array)
Creator(s): Midorikawa, Saburoh; Riddell, Rafael; Cruz, Ernesto F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27782
Title: Annual report on strong-motion records from SMASCH array (1990)
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Riddell, Rafael

Icon Identifier: Text-S27887
Title: Evaluacion de las disposiciones del anteproyecto de la nueva norma NCh 433 calculo antisismico de edificios
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Arias, Arturo; Cruz, Ernesto F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31226
Title: Annual report on strong-motion records from SMASCH array (1992)
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Riddell, Rafael

Icon Identifier: Text-S33671
Title: Annual report on strong-motion records from SMASCH array (1993)
Creator(s): Cruz, Ernesto F.; Riddell, Rafael; Valdivia, Dania