Identifier: Text-201412025
Title: Development of a two-parameter seismic intensity measure and probabilistic assessment procedure
Creator(s): Cordova, Paul P.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Mehanny, Sameh S. F.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201412129
Title: Building - specific seismic fatality estimation methodology
Creator(s): Yeo, Gee Liek; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-2015070215
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis at a near-fault site using ground motion simulations based on a stochastic-kinematic earthquake source model
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas; Mai, P. M.; Cornell, C. Allin; Beroza, G. C.
Identifier: Text-201507026
Title: Practical estimation of the seismic demand and capacity of oscillators with multi-linear static pushovers through incremental dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-2015072113
Title: Vector-valued probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (VPSHA)
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201509084
Title: Offshore structural system reliability: wave-load modeling, system behavior, and analysis
Creator(s): De, Rabi Sankar; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201601125
Title: On earthquake record selection for nonlinear dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-314537
Title: A study of factors influencing floor response spectra in nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom structures
Creator(s): Sewell, Robert T.; Cornell, C. Allin; Toro, Gabriel R.; McGuire, Robin K.
Identifier: Text-Lib050135
Title: Risk-based structural design
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-LIB050196
Title: Stochastic characterization and decision bases under time-dependent aftershock risk in performance-based earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Yeo, Gee Liek; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-LIB050197
Title: Seismic performance, capacity and reliability of structures as seen through incremental dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Vamvatsikos, Dimitrios; Cornell, C. Allin