Identifier: Software-SIMQKE1ZIP
Title: SIMQKE-I: Simulation of Earthquake Ground Motions
Creator(s): Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Cornell, C. Allin; Gasparini, Dario A.; Hou, Shou-nien
Identifier: Text-1287174
Title: A technical framework for probability-based demand and capacity factor design (DCFD) seismic formats
Creator(s): Jalayer, Fatemeh; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-1289570
Title: Uncertainty specification and propagation for loss estimation using FOSM method
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-2005121421
Title: Ground Motion Intensity Measures for Structural Performance Assessment at Near-Fault Sites
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-2005121422
Title: The Major Influences on Seismic Risk
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin; Vanmarcke, Erik H.
Identifier: Text-200605235
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis of nonlinear structures
Creator(s): Shome, Nilesh; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200611073
Title: Stochastic characterization and decision bases under time-dependent aftershock risk in performance-based earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Yeo, Gee Liek; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200701236
Title: Advanced seismic assessment guidelines
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin; Menun, Charles A.; Motahari, Maziar; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200701239
Title: Vector-valued ground motion intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand analysis
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200701261
Title: Uncertainty specification and propagation for loss estimation using FOSM methods
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200712181
Title: An approach to the quantification of seismic margins in nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Budnitz, Robert J.; Amico, P. J.; Cornell, C. Allin; Hall, William J.; Kennedy, Robert P.; Reed, J. W.; Shinozuka, Masanobu
Identifier: Text-200805083
Title: Live load effects in office buildings
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200806261
Title: Normalization and scaling accelerograms for nonlinear structural analysis
Creator(s): Shome, Nilesh; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200808281
Title: Vector-valued ground motion intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand analysis
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200810067
Title: Correlation of response spectral values for multicomponent ground motions
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200810068
Title: Which spectral acceleration are you using?
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200901267
Title: Conditional pulse probability for near-source hazard analysis
Creator(s): Iervolino, Iunio; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200906024
Title: Engineering seismic risk analysis
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200906235
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis using advanced ground motion intensity measures, attenuation relationships, and near-fault effects
Creator(s): Tothong, Polsak; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201006301
Title: Guidelines for seismic assessment of damaged buildings
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin; Menun, Charles A.; Motahari, Maziar
Identifier: Text-2010063088
Title: Dynamic versus static computation of the residual capacity of a mainshock-damaged building to withstand an aftershock
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas; Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201103182
Title: Uncertainty in numerical strong motion predictions
Creator(s): Abrahamson, Norman A.; Somerville, Paul G.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-2011062810
Title: Advanced seismic assessment guidelines
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin; Menun, Charles A.; Luco, Nicolas; Motahari, Maziar
Identifier: Text-201302125
Title: Analysis of earthquake risk for lifeline systems
Creator(s): Whitman, Robert V.; Cornell, C. Allin; Taleb, Agha G.
Identifier: Text-2013031319
Title: SHA-based attenuation model parameter estimation
Creator(s): Askins, Richard C.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201306134
Title: Decision analysis for seismic design
Creator(s): Whitman, Robert V.; Biggs, John M.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201306141
Title: Statistics of tall building damage during the 1971 San Fernando Earthquake
Creator(s): Whitman, Robert V.; Biggs, John M.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201406305
Title: Application of nonlinear static analyses to probabilistic seismic demand analysis
Creator(s): Tothong, Polsak; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201407018
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis for a vector of parameters
Creator(s): Shome, Nilesh; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201411058
Title: Hazard, ground motions and probabilistic assessments for PBSD
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin