Identifier: Text-2014013111
Title: Stress analysis of a gravity dam by the finite element method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-201406238
Title: Dynamic Analysis of Structures
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-201406252
Title: Nonlinear earthquake behavior of tall buildings
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Benuska, K. L.
Identifier: Text-201406253
Title: Dynamic effects of earthquakes
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-2014062612
Title: Nonlinear mechanisms in the seismic response of arch dams
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-201606011
Title: Original formulation of the finite element method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-21001028
Title: Literature survey -- seismic effects on highway bridges
Creator(s): Iwasaki, T.; Penzien, Joseph; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300305
Title: A Computer Program for Analysis of Stiffened Plates Under Combined Inplane and Lateral Loads
Creator(s): Kavlie, Dag; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300331
Title: Analysis of Stiffened Plates Using the Finite Element Method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-300399
Title: Maximum Temperature Stresses in Dworshak Dam
Creator(s): Raphael, Jerome M.; Clough, Ray W.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-300407
Title: Finite Element Analysis of Tubular Joints
Creator(s): Greste, Ojars; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300416
Title: The Dynamic Behavior of Steel Frame and Truss Buildings
Creator(s): Rea, Dixon; Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300426
Title: Effect of Stiffness Degradation on Earthquake Ductility Requirements
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300451
Title: Earthquake Stress Analysis in Earth Dams
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Chopra, Anil K.
Identifier: Text-300458
Title: Construction Stresses in Dworshak Dam
Creator(s): Raphael, Jerome M.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-300466
Title: Analysis of Earth Motion Accelerograms
Creator(s): Jenschke, Victor A.; Clough, Ray W.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-300472
Title: Stress Analysis in Non-Uniform Media By the Finite Element Method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Raphael, Jerome M.
Identifier: Text-300477
Title: The Stress Distribution of Norfork Dam
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-31001126
Title: ADAP: a computer program for static and dynamic analysis of arch dams
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Raphael, Jerome M.; Mojtahedi, Soheil
Identifier: Text-3104
Title: Feasibility study large-scale earthquake simulator facility
Creator(s): Penzien, Joseph; Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Clough, Ray W.; Rea, Dixon
Identifier: Text-3108
Title: Dynamic properties of McKinley School buildings
Creator(s): Rea, Dixon; Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-3117
Title: Structural dynamic testing facilities at the University of California, Berkeley
Creator(s): Stephen, Roy M.; Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Clough, Ray W.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-3123
Title: Damping capacity of a model steel structure
Creator(s): Rea, Dixon; Clough, Ray W.; Bouwkamp, Jack G.
Identifier: Text-3337
Title: The design of steel energy absorbing restrainers and their incorporation into nuclear power plants for enhanced safety: Volume 2 -- The development of analyses for reactor system piping -- simple systems, complex systems
Creator(s): Lee, Meng-Chi; Penzien, Joseph; Chopra, Anil K.; Suzuki, Kohei; Powell, Graham H.; Wilson, Edward L.; Clough, Ray W.; Row, Dennis G.
Identifier: Text-41000750
Title: Shaking table tests of a steel frame -- a progress report
Creator(s): Tang, David T.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-41000751
Title: Earthquake simulator study of a reinforced concrete frame
Creator(s): Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-51000461
Title: A literature survey -- compressive, tensile, bond and shear strength of masonry
Creator(s): Mayes, Ronald L.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-51000462
Title: State-of-the-art in seismic shear strength of masonry -- an evaluation and review
Creator(s): Mayes, Ronald L.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-51000702
Title: The dynamic behavior of a first-story girder of a three-story steel frame subjected to earthquake loading
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Li, Frank Lap-Yan
Identifier: Text-51000705
Title: Earthquake simulator study of a steel frame structure, Vol. I: Experimental results
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Tang, David T.