Identifier: Text-141386
Title: The influence of SPT procedures in soil liquefaction resistance evaluations
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Harder, Leslie F.; Chung, Riley M.
Identifier: Text-201304151
Title: Research overview: utility systems January 17, 1994 Northridge California earthquake
Creator(s): Chung, Riley M.
Identifier: Text-2013041822
Title: Summary of NIST's activities related to the January 17, 1994 Northridge, California earthquake
Creator(s): Chung, Riley M.; Mohraz, Bijan; Gross, John L.
Identifier: Text-201402241
Title: The January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake - performance of structures, lifelines, and fire protection systems
Creator(s): Chung, Riley M.
Identifier: Text-S32496
Title: Hokkaido-Nansei-oki earthquake and tsunami of July 12, 1993 reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Chung, Riley M.
Identifier: Text-S33347
Title: Ground improvement techniques for liquefaction remediation near existing lifelines
Creator(s): Andrus, Ronald D.; Chung, Riley M.
Identifier: Text-S34180
Title: The January 17, 1995 Hyogo-ken-Nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake : performance of structures, lifelines, and fire protection systems
Creator(s): Chung, Riley M.