Identifier: Text-S18732
Title: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Nondestructive Evaluation for Performance of Civil Structures
Creator(s): Agbabian, Mihran S.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S19878
Title: Time domain analysis of a nonlinear system with limited slip
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.; Caughey, T. K.
Identifier: Text-S20975
Title: Nonparametric identification of a class of nonlinear multidegree dynamic systems
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S21287
Title: Proceedings of the U.S. National Workshop on Structural Control Research : 25-26 October 1990, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Creator(s): Housner, G. W.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S22493
Title: Evaluation of seismic analysis techniques for LMFBR piping and equipment. Topical report
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S22498
Title: Evaluation of seismic analysis techniques for breeder reactor piping and equipment. Quarterly technical progress report
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S22644
Title: Dynamic excitation of a single-degree-of-freedom hysteretic system
Creator(s): Stott, S. J.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S23126
Title: Random vibration of nonliner two-degree-of-freedom oscillator
Creator(s): Stott, S. J.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S23129
Title: Analytical and experimental studies of impact dampers
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S23863
Title: Validation of pulse techniques for the simulation of earthquake motions in civil structures
Creator(s): Safford, Frederick B.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S23872
Title: An evaluation of a class of practical optimization techniques for structural dynamics applications
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.; Werner, S. D.
Identifier: Text-S24529
Title: Analytical and experimental studies of suspended floor structures with Coulomb friction elements
Creator(s): Malthan, James A.; Masri, S. F.; Hata, O. T.
Identifier: Text-S24977
Title: Numerical response characteristics of systems provided with impact dampers
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S25277
Title: Analytical and experimental studies of nonliner [sic] system modeling and sealing : progress report May 1976 to November 1976
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S27669
Title: Response of a 4-inch nuclear power plant valve to dynamic excitation
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.; Stott, S. J.
Identifier: Text-S28637
Title: On-line control of nonlinear flexible structures
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S28638
Title: A method for reducing the order of nonlinear dynamic systems
Creator(s): Masri, S. F.; Miller, Richard K.; Sassi, H.
Identifier: Text-S31781
Title: Proceedings of International Workshop on Structural Control : Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-7 August, 1993
Creator(s): Housner, G. W.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S32445
Title: Proceedings First World Conference on Structural Control : 3-5 August 1994, Los Angeles, California, USA : sponsored by International Association for Structural Control
Creator(s): Housner, G. W.; Masri, S. F.; Chassiakos, A. G.
Identifier: Text-S33992
Title: Design charts for nonlinear systems with gap supports under impulse loads
Creator(s): Anderson, J. C.; Masri, S. F.
Identifier: Text-S38361
Title: Evaluation of seismic mitigation measures for art objects
Creator(s): Agbabian, M. S.; Masri, S. F.; Nigbor, R. L.