Identifier: Text-12433
Title: Estimation of seismic source processes using strong motion array data
Creator(s): Chiou, Brian S. J.
Identifier: Text-1263154
Title: Ground motion evaluation procedures for performance-based design
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Graves, Robert W.; Somerville, Paul G.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-200612011
Title: An overview of the project of next generation of ground motion attenuation models for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Roblee, Clifford J.; Chiou, Brian S. J.
Identifier: Text-200804029
Title: Issues and alternatives for representing the national seismic hazard for highway and bridge design
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Rosidi, Dario; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-200906029
Title: NGA model for average horizontal component of peak ground motion and response spectra
Creator(s): Chiou, Brian S. J.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-2013062010
Title: Update of the Chiou and Youngs NGA ground motion model for average horizontal component of peak ground motion and response spectra
Creator(s): Chiou, Brian S. J.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-201306208
Title: Final report of the NGA-West2 directivity working group
Creator(s): Spudich, Paul; Bayless, Jeffrey R.; Baker, Jack W.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Rowshandel, Badiollah; Shahi, Shrey K.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201401138
Title: The "Next generation of ground motion attenuation models" (NGA) project : an overview
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Roblee, Clifford J.
Identifier: Text-2014021413
Title: The GEOINDEX model for practical design selection of non-linear soil properties
Creator(s): Roblee, Clifford J.; Chiou, Brian S. J.
Identifier: Text-201903051
Title: Update of the BC hydro subduction ground-motion model using the NGA-subduction dataset
Creator(s): Abrahamson, Norman A.; Kuehn, Nicolas; Gulerce, Zeynep; Gregor, Nicholas J.; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Parker, Grace A.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Idriss, I. M.; Campbell, Kenneth W.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-202103241
Title: Comparison of NGA-Sub ground-motion models
Creator(s): Gregor, Nicholas J.; Al Atik, Linda; Boore, David M.; Campbell, Kenneth W.; Gulerce, Zeynep; Kishida, Tadahiro; Midorikawa, Saburoh; Parker, Grace A.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Addo, Kofi O.; Atkinson, Gail M.; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Hassani, Behzad; Kuehn, Nicolas; Mazzoni, Silvia; Si, Hongjun; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-LIB050268
Title: Specification of long-period ground motions: updated attenuation relationships for rock site conditions and adjustment factors for near-fault effects
Creator(s): Sadigh, Khosrow; Chang, C. Y.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Power, Maurice S.