The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Software-DAMAGEZIP
Title: DAMAGE: Assessment of Damageabillity for Existing Builidngs in a Natural Hazards Environment
Creator(s): Hasselman, T. K.; Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Eguchi, Ronald T.; Wiggins, John H.

Icon Identifier: Text-61000959
Title: Expected performance of Uniform Building Code designed masonry structures
Creator(s): Mayes, Ronald L.; Omote, Yutaro; Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Clough, Ray W.

Icon Identifier: Text-7000573
Title: A literature survey -- transverse strength of masonry walls
Creator(s): Omote, Yutaro; Mayes, Ronald L.; Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Clough, Ray W.

Icon Identifier: Text-81001239
Title: Cyclic loading tests of masonry single piers, Volume 2 - height to width ratio of 1
Creator(s): Chen, Shy-Wen J.; Hidalgo, Pedro A.; Mayes, Ronald L.; Clough, Ray W.; McNiven, Hugh D.