Identifier: Text-2009012613
Title: Shaking table collapse tests of two scale models of a 4-story moment resisting steel frame
Creator(s): Lignos, Dimitrios G.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-200910226
Title: Contributions to collapse prediction of steel moment frames through recent earthquake simulator collapse tests
Creator(s): Lignos, Dimitrios G.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-201305166
Title: Modeling and experimental validation of a full scale 5-story steel building equipped with triple friction pendulum bearings : E-Defense blind analysis competition
Creator(s): Lignos, Dimitrios G.
Identifier: Text-201305167
Title: Improved estimation of collapse risk for structures in seismic regions
Creator(s): Eads, Laura; Miranda, Eduardo; Krawinkler, Helmut; Lignos, Dimitrios G.
Identifier: Text-2013071111
Title: Sidesway collapse of deteriorating structural systems under seismic excitations
Creator(s): Lignos, Dimitrios G.; Krawinkler, Helmut