Identifier: Text-101000647
Title: Undisturbed sampling and cyclic load testing of sands
Creator(s): Singh, Sukhmander; Seed, H. Bolton; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-200801144
Title: Liquefaction behavior of saturated sands under uni-directional and bi-directional monotonic and cyclic simple shear loading
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton; Sousa, Jorge
Identifier: Text-200802271
Title: Strength and deformation characteristics of rockfill materials in plane strain and triaxial compression tests
Creator(s): Becker, Edgar; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-2011062211
Title: The Strength of compacted cohesive soils
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-3215
Title: The effects of method of sample preparation on the cyclic stress-strain behavior of sands
Creator(s): Mulilis, John P.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-41000351
Title: Liquefaction of gravelly soils under cyclic loading conditions
Creator(s): Wong, Robert T.; Seed, H. Bolton; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-41000352
Title: Settlement and liquefaction of sands under multi-directional shaking
Creator(s): Pyke, Robert M.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-51000299
Title: Influence of seismic history on the liquefaction characteristics of sands
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Mori, Kenji; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-51000390
Title: Determination of soil liquefaction characteristics by large-scale laboratory tests
Creator(s): De Alba, Pedro; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-51000391
Title: Evaluation of soil liquefaction potential during earthquakes
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Arango, Ignacio; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-5390
Title: Strength evaluation of coarse-grained soils
Creator(s): Siddiq, Farhat H.; Seed, Raymond B.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton; Pyke, Robert M.
Identifier: Text-7000406
Title: Influence of sample disturbance on sand response to cyclic loading
Creator(s): Mori, Kenji; Seed, H. Bolton; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-91000521
Title: Cyclic behavior of dense coarse-grained materials in relation to the seismic stability of dams
Creator(s): Banerjee, Nani G.; Seed, H. Bolton; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-91001588
Title: Earthquake-induced liquefaction near Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Arango, Ignacio; Chan, Clarence K.; Gomez-Masso, Alberto; Grant Ascoli, R.
Identifier: Text-S24780
Title: Determination of soil liquefaction characteristics by large-scale laboratory tests
Creator(s): De Alba, Pedro; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-S25848
Title: Influence of sample disturbance on sand response to cyclic loading : final report
Creator(s): Mori, Kenji; Seed, H. B.; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-S26268
Title: Strength of clays under simulated earthquake loading conditions
Creator(s): Seed, H. B.; Chan, Clarence K.
Identifier: Text-S26270
Title: Evaluation of soil liquefaction potential for level ground during earthquakes, summary report
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Arango, Ignacio; Chan, Clarence K.