Identifier: Text-200804222
Title: The Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of October 17, 1989: Building structures
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201002232
Title: Processing and modeling of the Pump Station 10 record from the November 3, 2002, Denali Fault, Alaska earthquake
Creator(s): Ellsworth, William L.; Çelebi, Mehmet; Evans, J. R.; Jensen, E. G.; Nyman, D. J.; Spudich, Paul
Identifier: Text-201003125
Title: Responses of a 14-story (Anchorage, AK) building to far-distance (Ms=7.9) Denali (2002) and near distance earthquakes in 2002
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-2012032916
Title: Summary of recorded building responses during the 2011 off-the-Pacific-coast of Tohoku eaerthquake with some implications to design motions
Creator(s): Okawa, Izuru; Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Iiba, Masanori; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-2012042712
Title: The characteristics of seismic, strong motion and structural damage of the 2011 Van - Ercis earthquake
Creator(s): Konagai, Kazuo; Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Aydan, Ömer; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201204301
Title: The Characteristics of the triggered 2011 Van-Edremit earthquake and induced damage
Creator(s): Aydan, Ömer; Kumsar, Halil; Ulusay, Resat; Kose, Onur; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201211286
Title: Response of a tall building far from the epicenter of the March 11, 2011 M=9.0 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Okawa, Izuru; Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Iiba, Masanori
Identifier: Text-201405306
Title: Integrated seismic monitoring of the Atwood building, Anchorage (AK) and recorded earthquake responses
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201409024
Title: Real time seismic monitoring of the new Cape Girardeau (MO) bridge and recorded earthquake response
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201503021
Title: Rotational Seismology and Engineering Applications--Online Proceedings for the First International Workshop, Menlo Park, California, U.S.A.--September 18 to 19, 2007
Creator(s): Lee, William H.; Çelebi, Mehmet; Todorovska, Maria I.; Diggles, M. F.
Identifier: Text-2015040813
Title: Recommendations of a workshop for a soil-structure interaction experiment
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Luco, Juan Enrique
Identifier: Text-201505123
Title: General report - session VII : soil amplification during earthquakes and microzonation
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Saragoni, G. Rodolfo
Identifier: Text-201505154
Title: Northridge (California) earthquake: unique ground motions
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201506174
Title: GPS for recording dynamic displacements of long-period structures - engineering implications
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Sanli, Ahmet
Identifier: Text-2015070912
Title: Seismic instrumentation of the I-40 Mississippi River bridge in Memphis, Tennessee
Creator(s): Pezeshk, Shahram; Steiner, Greg; Çelebi, Mehmet; Camp, C. V.; Hwang, H. H.
Identifier: Text-201510094
Title: Two case studies in base-isolation response to earthquakes
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-300174
Title: Verification Testing of Prototype Bearings for a Base Isolated Building
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-31000969
Title: Hysteretic behavior of epoxy-repaired reinforced concrete beams
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-31000970
Title: Experimental investigation into the seismic behavior of critical regions of reinforced concrete components as influenced by moment and shear
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S18989
Title: Integrated instrumentation plan for assessing the seismic response of structures : a review of the current USGS program
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-S19021
Title: Preliminary evaluation of structures : Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Brady, A. Gerald; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-S19229
Title: Processed Chile earthquake records of 3 March 1985 and aftershocks
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-S20922
Title: Recorded seismic response of Transamerica building
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Safak, Erdal
Identifier: Text-S21616
Title: Measurement of structural response characteristics of full-scale buildings : selection of structures
Creator(s): Marshall, Richard D.; Phan, T. L.; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-S22167
Title: Engineering aspects of the September 19, 1985 Mexico earthquake
Creator(s): Stone, William C.; Yokel, Felix Y.; Çelebi, Mehmet; Hanks, Thomas C.; Leyendecker, Edgar V.
Identifier: Text-S22312
Title: 28 [i.e. Yirmi sekiz] Mart 1970 [i.e. bin dokuz yuz yetmis]
Creator(s): Uzsoy, Safak Z.; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-S22315
Title: Engineering report on the Izmir earthquake of 1 February 1974
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-S25516
Title: Behaviour of reinforced concrete beams under combined moment and shear reversal
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S26684
Title: The implementation of seismic hazard reduction of base isolation
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S26821
Title: Report on recommended list of structures for seismic instrumentation in San Bernardino County, California
Creator(s): Brady, A. Gerald; Çelebi, Mehmet