The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-200805071
Title: Riding out future quakes: pre-earthquake planning for post-earthquake transportation system recovery in the San Francisco Bay region
Creator(s): Perkins, Jeanne B.; Chuaqui, Benjamin E.; Wyatt, Edward

Icon Identifier: Text-2013041714
Title: Housing damage and resulting sheltering needs: model testing and refinement using Northridge data
Creator(s): Perkins, Jeanne B.; Boatwright, John; Chuaqui, Benjamin E.; Harrald, John

Icon Identifier: Text-201304177
Title: Street and freeway disruptions: experiences during the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes
Creator(s): Chuaqui, Benjamin E.; Perkins, Jeanne B.