Identifier: Text-202004151
Title: Data resources for NGA-Subduction project
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Stewart, Jonathan P.
Identifier: Text-202101201
Title: Partially non-ergodic ground-motion model for subduction regions using the NGA subduction database
Creator(s): Kuehn, Nicolas; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Campbell, Kenneth W.; Gregor, Nicholas J.
Identifier: Text-202103241
Title: Comparison of NGA-Sub ground-motion models
Creator(s): Gregor, Nicholas J.; Al Atik, Linda; Boore, David M.; Campbell, Kenneth W.; Gulerce, Zeynep; Kishida, Tadahiro; Midorikawa, Saburoh; Parker, Grace A.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Addo, Kofi O.; Atkinson, Gail M.; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Hassani, Behzad; Kuehn, Nicolas; Mazzoni, Silvia; Si, Hongjun; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-202108201
Title: Project technical summary : A report for the "quantifying the performance of retrofit of cripple walls and sill anchorage in single-family wood-frame buildings" project
Creator(s): Reis, Evan; Bozorgnia, Yousef; Burton, Henry V.; Cobeen, Kelly E.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Hutchinson, Tara C.; Kang, Grace S.; Lizundia, Bret; Mazzoni, Silvia; Rabinovici, Sharyl; Schiller, Brandon; Welch, David; Zareian, Farzin
Identifier: Text-Lib050179
Title: Improved shaking and damage parameters for post-earthquake applications
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-S24900
Title: Effective eccentricity for inelastic seismic response of buildings
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Tso, Wai Keung
Identifier: Text-S33129
Title: Distance scaling of vertical and horizontal response spectra of the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Niazi, Mansour
Identifier: Text-S34398
Title: Vertical responses of twelve instrumented structures recorded during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Mahin, Stephen A.; Brady, A. G.
Identifier: Text-S39218
Title: Earthquake engineering : from engineering seismology to performance-based engineering
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-S39655
Title: Linearization method in earthquake analysis and design of hysteretic structural systems
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef