Identifier: Text-1279686
Title: Inelastic seismic response of extended pile shaft supported bridge structures
Creator(s): Hutchinson, Tara C.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Chai, Yuk Hon; Idriss, I. M.
Identifier: Text-200702151
Title: Semi-empirical procedures for evaluating liquefaction potential during earthquakes
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200711151
Title: Investigation of the response of Cogswell Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-200711152
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200712201
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987. Volume 1: Puddingstone Dam
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200801141
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell Dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987; Volume Two - Cogswell Dam
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-200801144
Title: Liquefaction behavior of saturated sands under uni-directional and bi-directional monotonic and cyclic simple shear loading
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton; Sousa, Jorge
Identifier: Text-2008040314
Title: Dynamic centrifuge tests of pile supported structures in liquefiable sand
Creator(s): Wilson, Daniel W.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-200807022
Title: Investigation and evaluation of liquefaction related ground displacements at Moss Landing during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, I. M.; Mejia, Lelio H.
Identifier: Text-200808291
Title: Cyclic softening of low-plasticity clay and its effect on seismic foundation performance
Creator(s): Chu, Daniel B.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Lin, Ping-Sien; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-2010030110
Title: Post-shaking failure of sand slope in centrifuge test
Creator(s): Malvick, E. J.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Feigenbaum, H. P.
Identifier: Text-201003016
Title: State normalization of penetration resistance and the effect of overburden stress on liquefaction resistance
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-2010042611
Title: Evaluating the potential for liquefaction or cyclic failure of silts and clays
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-2010042612
Title: Pile foundations in liquefied and laterally spreading ground during earthquakes: centrifuge experiments & analyses
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-201005052
Title: Behavior of piles in laterally spreading ground during earthquakes
Creator(s): Brandenberg, Scott J.; Singh, Priyanshu; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.
Identifier: Text-201106093
Title: Soil liquefaction during earthquakes
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-201106301
Title: Recommended design practice for pile foundations in laterally spreading ground
Creator(s): Ashford, Scott A.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Brandenberg, Scott J.
Identifier: Text-2012042510
Title: Liquefaction durign the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake : lessons for U.S. practice
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-201402243
Title: Monotonic and cyclic pushover analyses of pile foundations in laterally spreading ground
Creator(s): Brandenberg, Scott J.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Chang, D.
Identifier: Text-201404174
Title: Variation of small strain stiffness for peat and organic soil
Creator(s): Kishida, Tadahiro; Boulanger, Ross W.; Wehling, Timothy M.; Drille, Michael W.
Identifier: Text-201503309
Title: Lateral resistance of liquefying sand
Creator(s): Wilson, Daniel W.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-201503313
Title: Seismic soil-pile-structure interaction experiments and analyses
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Curras, Christina J.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Wilson, Daniel W.; Abghari, Abbas
Identifier: Text-201704141
Title: U.S. -- New Zealand -- Japan International Workshop, Liquefaction-Induced Ground Movement Effects, University of California, Berkeley, California, 2-4 November 2016
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Cubrinovski, Misko; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Kramer, Steven L.; O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Rathje, Ellen M.; Green, Russell A.; Robertson, Peter K.; Beyzaei, Christine A.
Identifier: Text-S31935
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-S32290
Title: Investigation of the response of Cogswell Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-S36159
Title: Ground improvement issues for the Posey & Webster St. tubes seismic retrofit project : lessons from case histories
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-S36160
Title: Dynamic properties of Sherman Island peat
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-S36161
Title: Investigation and evaluation of liquefaction related ground displacements at Moss Landing during the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Idriss, I. M.; Mejia, Lelio H.
Identifier: Text-S38648
Title: Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Seminar on Seismic Disaster Mitigation in Urban Area by Geotechnical Engineering : Anchorage, Alaska, June 26-27, 2002
Creator(s): Towhata, Ikuo; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Image-LP0426
Title: Large sand boil adjacent to runway
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.