Identifier: Text-S25923
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States : Report 17 : Interpretation of strong ground motion records
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S25926
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States : Report 20 : The contribution of directivity focusing to earthquake intensities
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S25933
Title: Optimum station distribution and determination of hypocenters for small seismographic networks
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Okubo, Paul; Uhrhammer, Robert A.
Identifier: Text-S26368
Title: Seismology as a factor in earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26855
Title: Estimates of ground motions for hypothetical source locations and parameters
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26958
Title: Geophysics
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26959
Title: Inside the earth : evidence from earthquakes
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26975
Title: Seismology: surface waves and earth oscillations
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26976
Title: Seismology: body waves and sources
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S26977
Title: Modification by trench barriers of the seismic input to nuclear power plants : final report September 1979 - September 1980
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Morrison, H. F.
Identifier: Text-S26995
Title: Earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Wiegel, Robert L.; Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S27063
Title: An introduction to the theory of seismology
Creator(s): Bullen, K. E.; Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S27093
Title: A comparison of ground motion in the recent damaging Chile, Mexico, and El Salvador earthquakes
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S27289
Title: Seismic instrumentation of dams
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Hudson, Donald E.
Identifier: Text-S27314
Title: Nuclear explosions and earthquakes : the parted veil
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S27466
Title: Catalogue of earthquakes in northern California and adjoining areas, 1 January 1910-31 December 1972 : Arcata, Berkeley, Byerly, Calistoga, Concord, Corvallis, Fallon, Ferndale, Fickle Hill, Fresno, Friant, Granite Creek, Harris Ranch, Jamestown, Llanada, Manzanita Lake, Mina, Mineral, Mount Hamilt
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Miller, Roy D.
Identifier: Text-S27776
Title: New attenuation relations for peak and expected accelerations of strong ground motion
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Abrahamson, N. A.
Identifier: Text-S27779
Title: The "report" of the 1868 Hayward earthquake
Creator(s): Aldrich, Michele L.; Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28248
Title: Earthquakes : a primer
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28249
Title: Terremotos
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28250
Title: Earthquakes
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28265
Title: Earthquakes and volcanoes : readings from Scientific American
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28527
Title: Memorial: Perry Byerly (1897-1978)
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.; Byerly, Perry E.
Identifier: Text-S28528
Title: Modelling of complex structures in the upper mantle by finite-element method
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28529
Title: The next big quakes: evidence that it may be sooner than you think
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28604
Title: Seismic intensity in the Coalinga, California, earthquake of May 2, 1983
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28642
Title: Strong ground motion : seismic analysis, design, and code issuses
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Bolt, Bruce A.; Seed, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S28739
Title: Resolution techniques for density and heterogeneity
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28740
Title: The San Fernando Valley, California, earthquake of February 9 1971: data on seismic hazards
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.
Identifier: Text-S28741
Title: Seimsicity of the western United States
Creator(s): Bolt, Bruce A.