The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S21660
Title: Damage in San Mateo County, California in the earthquake of 18 April 1906
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S23498
Title: Seismic fundamentals in building design [course materials] U.C. Berkeley Extension, July 18 and 25, 1981
Creator(s): Reitherman, Robert K.; Holmes, William T.; Nason, Robert D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27207
Title: Damage in Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties, California, caused by the earthquake of 18 April 1906
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27577
Title: Investigations of the 7 June, 1975 earthquake in Humboldt County, California
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27949
Title: Catalog of creepmeter measurements in central California from 1968 to 1972
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.; Philippsborn, F. R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30826
Title: Investigation of effects of the Santa Rosa earthquakes of October 1, 1969 / Robert D. Nason, Charles Bufe
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.; Bufe, Charles

Icon Identifier: Text-S33586
Title: Hayward-Hollister field trip : Hayward, Calaveras and San Andreas faults
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.; Rogers, Thomas H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S36008
Title: Brick buildings in earthquakes : observations and discussion
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.

Icon Identifier: Text-S40434
Title: Damage in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California, in the earthquake of 18 April 1906
Creator(s): Nason, Robert D.