Identifier: Text-200802087
Title: Design spectra for stiff structures on rock
Creator(s): Hisada, T.; Ohsaki, Yorihiko; Watabe, Makoto; Ohta, T.
Identifier: Text-201302281
Title: Building damage caused by the Miyagi-Ken-Oki Japan earthquake June 12, 1978
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-2015110514
Title: Hanshin-Awaji devastating earthquake
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S23962
Title: Summary of present codes and standards in the world
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S24251
Title: Experimental study on five-story full size apartment house of reinforced concrete walled frames
Creator(s): Ohsaki, Yorihiko; Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S24619
Title: Research on the behavior of steel beam-to-column connections
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S24652
Title: On structural inelastic response and human response as related to the maximum acceleration of the earthquakes
Creator(s): Ohsaki, Yorihiko; Watabe, Makoto; Murata, Hiroparu
Identifier: Text-S26108
Title: Investigations and analyses on some very strong-motion earthquake - Hidaka Sankei earthquake
Creator(s): Omote, Shunichiro; Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S26110
Title: Accelerograms of strong-motion earthquake [Miyagi-Perfecture] 12 June 1978
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S27146
Title: Research on design earthquake
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S30101
Title: Digitized data of strong-motion earthquake accelerograms in Romania (March 4, 1977)
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S32412
Title: Preliminary reconnaissance report of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake - English edition
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S33873
Title: 17 of January 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo Nanbu earthquake)
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S34259
Title: State of the art report on the damage features due to the Mexican earthquake of September 19, 1985
Creator(s): Watabe, Makoto
Identifier: Text-S37773
Title: A test frame for simulating gravity and ground motion on structural assemblages
Creator(s): Popov, E. P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Watabe, Makoto