Identifier: Text-201506256
Title: Near real time post earthquake damage assessment based on reliable damage indices and damage spectra
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201506305
Title: Performance improvement of tall steel buildings subjected to pulse-type ground motions
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201606211
Title: Observations on structural pounding
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201701104
Title: Design of high-rise reinforced concrete building : Review of the state of the art and the state of the practice of earthquake-resistant design of high rise reinforced concrete buildings on soft soils in high seismic risk areas
Creator(s): Goucha, Hatem Y.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201701132
Title: Seismic performance of a 30-story building located on soft soil and designed according to UBC 1991
Creator(s): Teran-Gilmore, Amador; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201701191
Title: Tall building behavior during the 3 March 1985 Chilean Earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Raul D.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-21000596
Title: Cyclic behavior of three reinforced concrete flexural members with high shear
Creator(s): Popov, Egor P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-225044
Title: Performance of tall buildings during the 1985 Mexico earthquakes
Creator(s): Teran-Gilmore, Amador; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-225081
Title: Tall reinforced concrete buildings: conceptual earthquake-resistant design methodology
Creator(s): Bertero, Raul D.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-237696
Title: Seismic performance of a 30-story building located on soft soil and designed according to UBC 1991
Creator(s): Teran-Gilmore, Amador; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-239849
Title: Performance of steel building structures during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Anderson, James C.; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-254141
Title: Seismic rehabilitation of framed buildings infilled with unreinforced masonry walls using post-tensioned steel braces
Creator(s): Teran-Gilmore, Amador; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Youssef, Nabih F.
Identifier: Text-265857
Title: Seismological and engineering aspects of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Borcherdt, Roger D.; Clark, Peter W.; Dreger, Douglas S.; Filippou, Filip C.; Foutch, Douglas A.; Gee, Lind S.; Higashino, Masahiko; Kono, Susumu; Lu, Le-Wu; Moehle, Jack P.; Murray, Mark H.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Romanowicz, Barbara A.; Sitar, Nicholas; Thewalt, Christopher R.; Tobriner, Stephen; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Wight, James K.; Xiao, Yan
Identifier: Text-300343
Title: Effects of Short-Time Variations in the Environmental Conditions Upon Creep of Concrete
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-300414
Title: Effects of Type of Restraint upon History of Expansion and upon Mechanical Behavior of Expansive-Cement Concrete
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-300415
Title: Effects of Size of Cross Section Upon the Expansion History and Mechanical Behavior of Expansive Cement Concrete
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-300432
Title: Behavior of Expansive Cement Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Columns
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Brito, Jaime F.
Identifier: Text-300467
Title: Precast Chemically Prestressed Concrete Frame
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Iragorry Montero, Guillermo J.
Identifier: Text-300479
Title: Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames Subjected to Repeated Reversible Loads
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; McClure, George S.; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Text-302922
Title: Fundamental period of reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame structures
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Bendimerad, Fouad M.; Shah, Haresh C.
Identifier: Text-31000971
Title: Rate of loading effects on uncracked and repaired reinforced concrete members
Creator(s): Atalay, Mehmet Bilgin; Mahin, Stephen A.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Rea, Dixon
Identifier: Text-3106
Title: Inelastic behavior of beam-to-column subassemblages under repeated loading
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-3120
Title: Seismic behavior of multistory frames designed by different philosophies
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-3121
Title: Stiffness degradation of reinforced concrete members subjected to cyclic flexural moments
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Bresler, Boris; Liao, Huey M.
Identifier: Text-3129
Title: Seismic analysis of the Charaima Building, Caraballeda, Venezuela
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Fratessa, Paul F.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Scordelis, Alex C.; Seed, H. Bolton; Sexton, H. Joseph; Wilson, Edward L.; Wyllie, Loring A.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-317450
Title: Seismic performance of a six story reinforced concrete building
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-317452
Title: Implications of the Landers and Big Bear earthquakes on earthquake resistant design of structures
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-3268
Title: Contribution of a floor system to the dynamic characteristics of reinforced concrete buildings
Creator(s): Malik, Lincoln E.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-360235
Title: RCCOLA, a computer program for reinforced concrete column analysis : user's manual and documentation
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-41000645
Title: Hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete flexural members with special web reinforcement
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Popov, Egor P.; Wang, Tsan Y.