Identifier: Text-13WC000565
Title: Uncertainties in determining diaphragm flexibility
Creator(s): Tokoro, Kerri Anne Taeko; Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-13WC001497
Title: Damage spectrum and its applications to performance-based earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-13WC002988
Title: Physical ductility demand spectra for earthquake ground motions containing severe pulses
Creator(s): Lara, Otton; Parodi, Renato; Centeno, Jose; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-141377
Title: Earthquake simulation tests and associated studies of a 1/5th-scale model of a 7-story R/C frame-wall test structure
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Aktan, Ahmet E.; Charney, Finley A.; Sause, Richard
Identifier: Text-200359
Title: Effects of torsion on the linear and nonlinear seismic response of structures
Creator(s): Sedarat, Hassan; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200363
Title: An experimental study of the behavior of dual steel systems
Creator(s): Whittaker, Andrew S.; Uang, Chia-Ming; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200609143
Title: State of the art in the seismic resistant construction of structures
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200610262
Title: Influence of high strain rate and cyclic loading on behavior of unconfined and confined concrete in compression
Creator(s): Bresler, Boris; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200702213
Title: Experimental studies of the confinement of shear wall boundary elements incorporating prefabricated welded wire hoops
Creator(s): Thompson, Christopher L.; Miranda, Eduardo; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-2007030813
Title: Evaluation of strength reduction factors for earthquake resistant design
Creator(s): Miranda, Eduardo; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200706051
Title: Improved shaking and damage parameters for post-earthquake applications
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200707163
Title: Effects of gravity loads and vertical ground acceleration on the seismic response of multistory frames
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200710171
Title: Seismic performance of reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200801231
Title: El-Asnam earthquake, Algeria, 10th October 1980
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Shah, Haresh C.
Identifier: Text-200802056
Title: Nonlinear seismic response of a coupled wall system
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200802083
Title: Inelastic behavior of structural elements and structures
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200802191
Title: The Response of shear walls subjected to dynamic loads
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-200803128
Title: Establishment of design earthquakes - evaluation of present methods
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Herrera, R. A.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-200803142
Title: Problems in establishing and predicting ductility in aseismic design
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201002056
Title: Modeling of RC joints under cyclic excitations
Creator(s): Filippou, Filip C.; Popov, Egor P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201007201
Title: Self-stressed concrete for precast building units
Creator(s): Benuska, K. L.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Polivka, Milos
Identifier: Text-201206111
Title: Nonlinear behavior of a tubular structure
Creator(s): Goucha, Hatem Y.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201206112
Title: Review of the state of the art and the state of the practice of earthquake-resistant design of high rise reinforced concrete buildings on soft soils in high seismic risk areas
Creator(s): Goucha, Hatem Y.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201207113
Title: On seismic behavior of two r/c structural systems for tall buildings
Creator(s): Popov, Egor P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201208245
Title: Design implications of damage observed in the Olive View Medical Center Building
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Bresler, Boris; Selna, Lawrence G.; Chopra, Anil K.; Koretsky, A. V.
Identifier: Text-201208281
Title: Studies of Olive View building damage
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201208302
Title: Olive View Medical Center Material Studies - Phase I
Creator(s): Bresler, Boris; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-201209102
Title: Response of the Olive View Medical Center Main Building during the San Fernando Earthquake
Creator(s): Chopra, Anil K.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201301296
Title: Hysteretic behavior of steel columns
Creator(s): Popov, Egor P.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Chandramouli, S.
Identifier: Text-201302076
Title: Hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete flexural members with special web reinforcement
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Popov, Egor P.