Identifier: Text-200712181
Title: An approach to the quantification of seismic margins in nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Budnitz, Robert J.; Amico, P. J.; Cornell, C. Allin; Hall, William J.; Kennedy, Robert P.; Reed, J. W.; Shinozuka, Masanobu
Identifier: Text-200802155
Title: A Criterion for determining exceedance of the operating basis earthquake
Creator(s): Reed, J. W.
Identifier: Text-S20248
Title: Proceedings: Engineering characterization of small-magnitude earthquakes [Jan. 27-29, 1987, Palo Alto]
Creator(s): McCann, Martin W.; Reed, J. W.
Identifier: Text-S20346
Title: Lower-bound magnitude for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment
Creator(s): McCann, Martin W.; Reed, J. W.
Identifier: Text-S21447
Title: A criterion for determining exceedance of the operating basis earthquake
Creator(s): Reed, J. W.
Identifier: Text-S22630
Title: Plant/site selection assessment report : seismic safety margins research program
Creator(s): Sharpe, Roland L.; Reed, J. W.; Waugh, C. B.
Identifier: Text-S38565
Title: A Methodology for assessment of nuclear power plant seismic margin
Creator(s): Reed, J. W.