Identifier: Text-1289570
Title: Uncertainty specification and propagation for loss estimation using FOSM method
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200701239
Title: Vector-valued ground motion intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand analysis
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200701261
Title: Uncertainty specification and propagation for loss estimation using FOSM methods
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200808281
Title: Vector-valued ground motion intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand analysis
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200810067
Title: Correlation of response spectral values for multicomponent ground motions
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200810068
Title: Which spectral acceleration are you using?
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-200901133
Title: Introducing correlation among fragility functions for multiple components
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201104061
Title: New Ground Motion Selection Procedures and Selected Motions for the PEER Transportation Research Program
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.; Lin, Ting; Shahi, Shrey K.; Jayaram, Nirmal
Identifier: Text-201201131
Title: Stochastic model for earthquake ground motion using wavelet packets
Creator(s): Yamamoto, Yoshifumi; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201208156
Title: Measuring bias in structural response caused by ground motion scaling
Creator(s): Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201306207
Title: NGA-West2 models for ground-motion directionality
Creator(s): Shahi, Shrey K.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201306208
Title: Final report of the NGA-West2 directivity working group
Creator(s): Spudich, Paul; Bayless, Jeffrey R.; Baker, Jack W.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Rowshandel, Badiollah; Shahi, Shrey K.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201401315
Title: Impact of long-term material degradation on seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge
Creator(s): Matsuki, S.; Billington, Sarah L.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201403204
Title: A Probabilistic framework to include the effects of near-fault directivity in seismic hazard assessment
Creator(s): Shahi, Shrey K.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201405221
Title: Advancement of hazard-consistent ground motion selection methodology
Creator(s): Lin, Ting; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201407185
Title: Ground motion intensity measures for collapse capacity prediction : choice of optimal spectral period and effect of spectral shape
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201601052
Title: Review of past performance and further development of modeling techniques for collapse assessment of existing reinforced concrete buildings
Creator(s): Elwood, Kenneth J.; Baker, Jack W.; Comartin, Craig D.; Holmes, William T.; Moehle, Jack P.; Somers, Peter W.
Identifier: Text-201602292
Title: A Probabilistic framework to include the effects of near-fault directivity in seismic hazard assessment
Creator(s): Shahi, Shrey K.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201710273
Title: Ground motion simulations: validation and application for civil engineering problems
Creator(s): Burks, L. S.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201909231
Title: The Development and uses of crowdsourced building damage information based on remote-sensing
Creator(s): Loos, S.; Barns, K.; Bhattacharjee, G.; Soden, R.; Herfort, B.; Eckle, M.; Giovando, C.; Girardot, B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Baker, Jack W.; Lallemant, D.
Identifier: Text-202103243
Title: Blind prediction of shaking table tests of a new bridge bent design
Creator(s): Günay, M. Selim; Hu, Fan; Mosalam, Khalid M.; Nema, Arpit; Restrepo, Jose I.; Zsarnoczay, Adam; Baker, Jack W.