The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-200707023
Title: Performance of post-tensioned slab - core wall connections
Creator(s): Klemencic, Ron; Fry, J. Andrew; Hurtado, Gabriel; Moehle, Jack P.

Icon Identifier: Text-200710264
Title: Near-Fault Seismic Ground Motions
Creator(s): Dreger, Douglas S.; Hurtado, Gabriel; Chopra, Anil K.; Larsen, Shawn C.

Icon Identifier: Text-2016010711
Title: Seismic behavior and modeling of flat-plate gravity framing in tall buildings
Creator(s): Yang, T. Y.; Hurtado, Gabriel; Moehle, Jack P.

Icon Identifier: Text-201904223
Title: Detailing requirements for column plastic hinges subjected to combined flexural, axial, and torsional seismic loading
Creator(s): Hurtado, Gabriel; Moehle, Jack P.