Identifier: Text-200705304
Title: Risk assessment methodologies and their uncertainties, Volume 1: A review of risk estimation approaches
Creator(s): Philipson, Lloyd L.; Gasca, Jean D.
Identifier: Text-200705305
Title: Risk assessment methodologies and their uncertainties, Volume 2: A review of risk evaluation approaches
Creator(s): Philipson, Lloyd L.
Identifier: Text-S25230
Title: System performance specification for the Naval Ordnance Hazards Analysis and Risk Management (NOHARM) System
Creator(s): Keenan, W. A.; Philipson, Lloyd L.
Identifier: Text-S40123
Title: Target analysis of risk management policies in the United States
Creator(s): Strong, Dennis L.; Kraft, Michael E.; Philipson, Lloyd L.
Identifier: Text-S40124
Title: Risk analysis methods and their employment in governmental risk management
Creator(s): Atkisson, Arthur A.; Kraft, Michael E.; Philipson, Lloyd L.
Identifier: Text-S40667
Title: Risk assessment methodologies and their uncertainties
Creator(s): Philipson, Lloyd L.; Gasca, Jean D.