Identifier: Text-200704095
Title: Vulnerability and risk analysis for individual structures and systems: Report to EAEE
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-201003088
Title: Features of sequences of response spectra under successive intermediate depth Vrancea earthquakes
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea; Borcia, I. S.; Stancu, O.; Stancu, M.
Identifier: Text-201302271
Title: Measures of ground motion
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-201402051
Title: Some analytical considerations on the concept of design accelerograms
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-201601083
Title: A Theoretical investigation of the interaction between ground and structure during earthquakes
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-S20155
Title: Elemente de dinamica structurilor
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-S21892
Title: Metode matriceale in mecanica structurilor : formularea in deplasari programare
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-S21936
Title: Analysis of seismic oscillations
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-S24803
Title: Probability based criteria for checking earthquake resistant structures
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea
Identifier: Text-S26657
Title: Engineering aspects and possible refinements of the concept of seismic intensity
Creator(s): Sandi, Horea