Identifier: Text-11398
Title: Earthquake simulator testing and analytical studies of two energy-absorbing systems for multistory structures
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-12428
Title: Mechanics of low shape factor elastomeric seismic isolation bearings
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Tajirian, Frederick F.
Identifier: Text-1276943
Title: Component testing, stability analysis and characterization of buckling-restrained Unbonded Braces (trademark)
Creator(s): Black, Cameron J.; Makris, Nicos; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-13WC001681
Title: Seismic performance of buckling restrained braced frame systems
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Uriz, Patxi; Aiken, Ian D.; Field, Caroline; Ko, Eric
Identifier: Text-200802064
Title: Tests of reduced scale seismic isolation bearings for the US advanced liquid metal reactor (ALMR) program
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Gluekler, Emil L.; Tajirian, Frederick F.
Identifier: Text-200911231
Title: Implementation of passive energy dissipation systems in the United States
Creator(s): Whittaker, Andrew S.; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-201207305
Title: An analytical model for lead-rubber bearings under large deformations
Creator(s): Kikuchi, M.; Yamamoto, S.; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-201208249
Title: Experimental and analytical studies of shape memory alloy dampers for structural control
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Higashino, Masahiko; Krumme, Robert
Identifier: Text-201211261
Title: Seismic response of a nine-story steel frame with friction damped cross-bracing
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Pall, Avtar S.
Identifier: Text-201402142
Title: Innovative shape memory alloy connections for structures under extreme loading
Creator(s): Black, Cameron J.; Aiken, Ian D.; Krumme, Robert; Hayes, John R.; Sweeney, Steven C.
Identifier: Text-201403146
Title: Large-scale testing of steel unbonded braces for energy dissipation
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kasai, Kazuhiko; Kimura, Isao; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Text-2014040213
Title: Viscoelastic dampers for the seismic retrofit of buildings : an overview of advancements in viscoelastic materials & analytical capabilities
Creator(s): Kanitkar, R.; Aiken, Ian D.; Nishimoto, Kohji; Kasai, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-201408191
Title: Passive energy dissipation techniques
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Clark, Peter W.; Inaudi, Jose A.; Higashino, Masahiko
Identifier: Text-201509033
Title: A Bibliography of base isolation research and implementation [1985-1989]
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-268183
Title: Field testing of bridge design and retrofit concepts: Part 1 of 2: Field testing and dynamic analysis of a four-span seismically isolated viaduct in Walnut Creek, California
Creator(s): Gilani, Amir S.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Aiken, Ian D.; Chavez, Juan W.
Identifier: Text-327528
Title: Experimental studies of the ultimate behavior of seismically-isolated structures
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-5375
Title: A displacement control and uplift restraint device for base isolated structures
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Griffith, Michael C.; Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Text-6966
Title: Experimental evaluation of seismic isolation of a 9-story braced steel frame subject to uplift
Creator(s): Griffith, Michael C.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-8516
Title: Collapse of the Cypress Street Viaduct as a result of the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Nims, Douglas K.; Miranda, Eduardo; Aiken, Ian D.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-Lib050116
Title: Cyclic dynamic testing of fluid viscous dampers
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S33840
Title: Pre-qualification testing of viscous dampers for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation Project
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S33841
Title: Pre-qualification testing of viscous dampers for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation Project
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S33842
Title: Pre-qualification testing of viscous dampers for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation Project
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S33843
Title: Pre-qualification testing of viscous dampers for the Golden Gate Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation Project
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Image-NM0031
Title: Los Angeles County Emergency Services Building
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Image-NM0032
Title: Los Angeles County Emergency Services Building
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Image-NM0033
Title: Interior of Emergency Services Building
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Image-NM0034
Title: Bridgestone rubber isolator
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.
Identifier: Image-NR142
Title: Los Angeles County Fire Command and Control Facility
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.