The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-200701181
Title: SASSI: A System for Analysis of Soil Structure Interaction
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Tabatabaie, Mansour; Tajirian, Frederick F.; Vahdani, Shahriar; Ostadan, Farhang

Icon Identifier: Text-200908271
Title: Shoreline stability - seismic retrofit of BART SFTS
Creator(s): Chen, Wei-Yu; Chacko, Jacob; Vahdani, Shahriar; Lee, Tom

Icon Identifier: Text-200908272
Title: Soil-structure interaction analysis for buried structures in soft, sloping soils - BART San Francisco
Creator(s): Singh, Priyanshu; Chen, Wei-Yu; Vahdani, Shahriar

Icon Identifier: Text-2014022518
Title: Equivalent linear and nonlinear racking analyses of a subway section for the BART Warm Springs extension project
Creator(s): Balakrishnan, A. V.; Vahdani, Shahriar; Habimana, J.

Icon Identifier: Text-201407033
Title: Observations from probabilistic treatment of rupture directivity effects
Creator(s): Travasarou, Thaleia; Chacko, Jacob; Vahdani, Shahriar

Icon Identifier: Text-S34202
Title: Impedance matrices for soil-structure interaction analysis by the flexible volume method
Creator(s): Vahdani, Shahriar