Identifier: Text-200611151
Title: Rayleigh-wave dispersion technique for rapid subsurface exploration
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.; Ballard, Robert F.
Identifier: Text-200806111
Title: Permanent displacements of earth embankments by Newmark sliding block analysis
Creator(s): Franklin, Arley G.; Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-200808081
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States. Report 7: specifying peak motions for design earthquakes
Creator(s): Krinitzsky, E. L.; Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S19031
Title: Response spectral analysis of Franklin Falls Dam, New Hampshire
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S19154
Title: Parameters for specifying magnitude-related earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Krinitzsky, E. L.; Chang, Frank K.; Nuttli, Otto W.
Identifier: Text-S20170
Title: Analysis of strong-motion data from the Mount Borah, Idaho, earthquake of 28 October 1983
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S25902
Title: Site effects on power spectral densities and scaling factors
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S25908
Title: Permanent displacements of earth embankments by Newmark sliding block analysis
Creator(s): Franklin, A. G.; Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S25912
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States : Report 4: Earthquake intensity and the selection of ground motions for seismic design
Creator(s): Krinitzsky, Ellis L.; Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S25915
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States : report 8, duration, spectral content, and predominant period of strong motion earthquake records from western United States
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.; Krinitzsky, Ellis L.
Identifier: Text-S25928
Title: Rayleigh-wave dispersion technique for rapid subsurface exploration
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.; Ballard, Robert F.
Identifier: Text-S26071
Title: Analysis of strong-motion data from the New Hampshire earthquake of 18 January 1982
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S26455
Title: An empirical interpretation of the effects of topography on ground motion of the San Fernando, California, earthquake, 9 February 1971
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S29624
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States ; Report 9: Catalogue of strong motion earthquake records; Vol. I: Western United States, 1933-1971
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S37153
Title: State-of-the-art for assessing earthquake hazards in the United States. Parameters for specifying intensity-related earthquake ground motions
Creator(s): Krinitzsky, E. L.; Chang, Frank K.
Identifier: Text-S37937
Title: Human response to motions in tall buildings
Creator(s): Chang, Frank K.