Identifier: Text-200609224
Title: Recent developments in earthquake ground motion estimation
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Boore, David M.
Identifier: Text-201111031
Title: Seismic velocities and geological conditions at twelve sites subjected to strong ground motion in the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake
Creator(s): Gibbs, James F.; Tinsley, John C.; Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-2013031312
Title: Searching for nonlinear soil response in the vicinity of the Van Norman Complex
Creator(s): Cultera, Giovanna; Boore, David M.; Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-201303136
Title: Implementation of the lessons of the Northridge earthquake: seismology and strong ground motion
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-201303225
Title: Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong-motion records including records from the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake : draft
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Boore, David M.
Identifier: Text-201303226
Title: Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong-motion records including records from the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Boore, David M.; Porcella, Ronald L.
Identifier: Text-201311084
Title: Estimation of response spectral values as functions of magnitude, distance, and site conditions
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Boore, David M.
Identifier: Text-S26039
Title: Prediction of earthquake response spectra
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Boore, David M.
Identifier: Text-S26206
Title: Multi-linear analysis for ground motion studies of layered systems
Creator(s): Chen, Albert T.; Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-S30789
Title: Map showing the 200-foot thickness contour of surficial deposits and the landward limit of bay mud deposits of San Francisco, California
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-S30802
Title: Guideline for the San Francisco unreinforced masonry building ordinance
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.
Identifier: Text-S40463
Title: The effect of Quaternary alluvium on strong ground motion in the Coyote Lake, California, earthquake of 1979
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.; Warrick, Richard E.; Fumal, Thomas E.