Identifier: Text-2006062740
Title: A new roller bearing isolation system for highway bridges
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Liang, Zach
Identifier: Text-200706112
Title: The Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake of September 21, 1999: reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Loh, Chin-Hsiung
Identifier: Text-200803279
Title: In-situ observations of the performance of a bridge monitoring system
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Liang, Zach
Identifier: Text-2010071478
Title: Proceedings of the special international workshop on seismic connection details for segmental bridge construction
Creator(s): Yen, Wen-Huei Phillip; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-201202101
Title: Extreme load combinations : a survey of state bridge engineers
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Liang, Zach; Shen, Jerry J.; O'Connor, Jerome S.
Identifier: Text-201304171
Title: Developing urban reconstruction strategies from Northridge and Kobe earthquake studies
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Shinozuka, Masanobu; Tierney, Kathleen J.
Identifier: Text-2014010910
Title: Structural behavior under excitations of pulse-dominant ground motions
Creator(s): Dai, Junwu; Qi, Xiaozhai; Tong, Mai; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-2014011315
Title: Improving the resilience of highway systems to major earthquakes
Creator(s): Buckle, Ian G.; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-201505222
Title: Application of a semi-active nonlinear seismic protective system in an existing building in Los Angeles
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Tong, M.; Wu, Y. H.; Huang, S.; Gart, Gary C.
Identifier: Text-201506307
Title: Performance of a seismically isolated bridge under near fault earthquake ground motions
Creator(s): Chang, Kuo-Chun; Tsai, Meng-Hao; Shen, Jerry; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-201601275
Title: Seismic retrofit analysis of a reinforced concrete hospital building in the Eastern US
Creator(s): Wang, Hongbo; Tong, Mai; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-201602014
Title: Shake table tests for building structures under pulse-dominant ground motions
Creator(s): Dai, Junwu; Qi, Tong; Tong, Mai; Lee, George C.; Bai, Wenting
Identifier: Text-S19109
Title: The system characteristics and performance of a shaking table
Creator(s): Hwang, J. S.; Chang, K. C.; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S20013
Title: Solution of the dam-reservoir interaction problem using a combination of FEM, BEM with particular integrals, modal analysis and substructuring
Creator(s): Tsai, Chong S.; Lee, George C.; Ketter, Robert L.
Identifier: Text-S20310
Title: Shaking table study of a 1/5 scale steel frame composed of tapered members
Creator(s): Chang, K. C.; Hwang, J. S.; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S22018
Title: The design of single story rigid frames
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Ketter, Robert L.; Hsu, T. L.
Identifier: Text-S30761
Title: Stability and ductility of steel structures under cyclic loading
Creator(s): Fukumoto, Yuhshi; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S35292
Title: Proceedings of the Workshop on Earthquake Engineering Frontiers in Transportation Facilities : held at University Inn and Conference Center, Buffalo, New York, March 10-11, 1997
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Friedland, Ian M.
Identifier: Text-S37332
Title: Proceedings of the MCEER workshop for seismic hazard mitigation of health care facilities : held at Weidlinger Associates, Inc., New York City, New York, October 27-28, 1998
Creator(s): Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S37336
Title: The Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake of September 21, 1999 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Loh, Chin H.
Identifier: Text-S38420
Title: Experiments on braced wide-flange beams
Creator(s): Lee, George C.; Ferrara, A. T.; Galambos, T. V.
Identifier: Text-S39131
Title: Proceedings of the First PRC-US Workshop on Seismic Analysis and Design of Special Bridges : held at State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, October 8-10, 2002
Creator(s): Fan, Lichu; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S39375
Title: Proceedings of the second PRC-US Workshop on Seismic Analysis and Design of Special Bridges : held at the Marriott Hotel, Buffalo, New York, December 3-5, 2003
Creator(s): Fan, Lichu; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S39579
Title: Proceedings of the Third PRC-US Workshop on Seismic Analysis and Design of Special Bridges : held October 21-22, 2004 ... Shanghai, China
Creator(s): Fan, Lichu; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S40068
Title: Review of current NDE technologies for post-earthquake assessment of retrofitted bridge columns
Creator(s): Song, Jianwei; Liang, Zach; Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S40071
Title: Proceedings of the Fourth PRC-US Workshop on Seismic Analysis and Design of Special Bridges : held at Holiday Inn Yangtze, Chongqing, China, June 19-21, 2006
Creator(s): Fan, Lichu; Lee, George C.; Li, Zhang
Identifier: Text-S40088
Title: A framework to develop a strategic action plan for PRC-US cooperative research in Earthquake Engineering : for consideration by the joint delegation of the 2003 Coordination Meeting, April 24-25, 2003, Harbin, China
Creator(s): Lee, George C.
Identifier: Text-S40441
Title: Principles and performance of roller seismic isolation bearings for highway bridges
Creator(s): Lee, George C.