Identifier: Text-201304018
Title: Behavior of slopes in weakly cemented soils under seismic loading
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas; Clough, G. Wayne
Identifier: Text-2013041820
Title: Seismically induced lateral earth pressures on retaining structures and basement walls
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas; Mikola, Roozbeh Geraili; Candia, Gabriel
Identifier: Text-201308162
Title: Seismic earth pressures on retaining structures with cohesive backfills
Creator(s): Candia Agusti, Gabriel; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201308163
Title: Seismic earth pressures on retaining structures in cohesionless soils
Creator(s): Mikola, Roozbeh Geraili; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-2013101018
Title: Effects of changing soil and isolator properties on seismic response of isolated nuclear power plant
Creator(s): Zhou, Zhiguang; Sitar, Nicholas; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-201402277
Title: Field evaluation of axial response of drilled shafts to dynamic loads
Creator(s): Kasali, Gyimah; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201403057
Title: Nonlinear finite element analysis of drilled piers under dynamic and static axial loading
Creator(s): Wang, Gang; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201503315
Title: The Seismic response of reinforced soil slopes : a progress report
Creator(s): Nova-Roessig, Lili; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-2015042713
Title: Analysis of inclined shear waves in vertical bluffs
Creator(s): Ashford, Scott A.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201507091
Title: California coastal erosion and storm damage during the winter of 1982-83 : a reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Dean, Robert G.; Armstrong, George A.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201511138
Title: Preliminary geotechnical engineering reconnaissance of the November 3, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali earthquake, Alaska
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Sitar, Nicholas; Carver, Gary A.; Collins, Brian; Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-2016010717
Title: Numerical study of seismic earth pressures in centrifugal model experiments
Creator(s): Alatik, L.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-201601202
Title: Strength degradation of Holocene bay mud from Marin County, California, under seismic loading
Creator(s): Rau, Gretchen A.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-239415
Title: Seismic response of steep natural slopes
Creator(s): Ashford, Scott A.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-239699
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-254140
Title: Geotechnical reconnaissance of the effects of the January 17, 1995, Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake, Japan
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-265857
Title: Seismological and engineering aspects of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Borcherdt, Roger D.; Clark, Peter W.; Dreger, Douglas S.; Filippou, Filip C.; Foutch, Douglas A.; Gee, Lind S.; Higashino, Masahiko; Kono, Susumu; Lu, Le-Wu; Moehle, Jack P.; Murray, Mark H.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Romanowicz, Barbara A.; Sitar, Nicholas; Thewalt, Christopher R.; Tobriner, Stephen; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Wight, James K.; Xiao, Yan
Identifier: Text-302821
Title: Behavior of weakly cemented soil slopes under static and seismic loading conditions: Volume II
Creator(s): Bachus, Robert C.; Clough, G. Wayne; Sitar, Nicholas; Rad, Nader Shafii; Crosby, Jo; Kaboli, Parnian
Identifier: Text-8951
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Riemer, Michael F.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Sitar, Nicholas; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Idriss, I. M.; Kayen, Robert E.; Kropp, Alan L.; Harder, Leslie F.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-958620
Title: Geotechnical engineering reconnaissance of the November 3, 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali earthquake, Alaska [electronic resource]
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Sitar, Nicholas; Carver, Gary A.; Collins, Brian; Moss, Robb E. S.
Identifier: Text-S26125
Title: Behavior of weakly cemented soil slopes under static and seismic loading conditions
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-S31406
Title: Loma Prieta earthquake : engineering geologic perspectives
Creator(s): Baldwin, Joel E.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN01
Title: Map of quake zone
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN02
Title: Map of quake zone
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN03
Title: Ice fractured due to liquefaction
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN04
Title: Sand boils in ice
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN05
Title: Compression ridge due to lateral spread
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN06
Title: Compression ridge
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN07
Title: Mapping of lateral spreads
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Image-DN08
Title: Airport runway was unusable
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas