Identifier: Text-11399
Title: Experimental testing of the resilient-friction base isolation system
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-200802064
Title: Tests of reduced scale seismic isolation bearings for the US advanced liquid metal reactor (ALMR) program
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Gluekler, Emil L.; Tajirian, Frederick F.
Identifier: Text-200807181
Title: Analysis and testing of seismically isolated bridges under bi-axial excitation
Creator(s): Fenves, Gregory L.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Huang, Wei-Hsi; Clark, Peter W.; Mahin, Stephen A.
Identifier: Text-200906033
Title: Protocol for fabrication, inspection, testing and documentation of beam-column connection tests and other experimental specimens
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Frank, Karl H.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Shaw, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-201208249
Title: Experimental and analytical studies of shape memory alloy dampers for structural control
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.; Higashino, Masahiko; Krumme, Robert
Identifier: Text-201403146
Title: Large-scale testing of steel unbonded braces for energy dissipation
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kasai, Kazuhiko; Kimura, Isao; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Text-201408191
Title: Passive energy dissipation techniques
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Clark, Peter W.; Inaudi, Jose A.; Higashino, Masahiko
Identifier: Text-265857
Title: Seismological and engineering aspects of the 1995 Hyogoken-Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Borcherdt, Roger D.; Clark, Peter W.; Dreger, Douglas S.; Filippou, Filip C.; Foutch, Douglas A.; Gee, Lind S.; Higashino, Masahiko; Kono, Susumu; Lu, Le-Wu; Moehle, Jack P.; Murray, Mark H.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Romanowicz, Barbara A.; Sitar, Nicholas; Thewalt, Christopher R.; Tobriner, Stephen; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Wight, James K.; Xiao, Yan
Identifier: Text-268184
Title: Natural rubber isolation systems for earthquake protection of low-cost buildings
Creator(s): Taniwangsa, Wendy; Clark, Peter W.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-327528
Title: Experimental studies of the ultimate behavior of seismically-isolated structures
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Aiken, Ian D.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-LIB050180
Title: Performance of seismically isolated structures in the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Higashino, Masahiko; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-S32435
Title: EERC-Shimizu joint research project test no. 61
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Text-S35957
Title: Experimental studies of the ultimate behavior of seismically-isolated structures
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Text-S37013
Title: Lessons learned over time - bridge repairs after the 1995 Kobe (Hyogo-Ken-Nanbu) earthquake
Creator(s): Shea, Gail H.; Yashinsky, Mark; Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-K0106
Title: Undamaged slender building
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-K0147
Title: Steel-frame building
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-K0154
Title: No description
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NM0085
Title: Los Angeles City Hall
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NM0086
Title: Los Angeles City Hall
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NM0087
Title: Los Angeles City Hall
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NM0089
Title: Kerckhoff Hall, UCLA
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0991
Title: GERB system house
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0992
Title: Gerb house
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0993
Title: GERB isolated residence
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0994
Title: GERB isolated residence
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0995
Title: Spring isolators
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0996
Title: Glass blocks broke
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0997
Title: GERB isolated residence
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0998
Title: GERB isolated residence
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.
Identifier: Image-NR0999
Title: Strong-motion record
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.