The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2006062721
Title: Status of the Caltrans/CGS Bridge Strong Motion Instrumentation Project
Creator(s): Huang, Moh-jiann; Shakal, Anthony F.; Hipley, Patrick

Icon Identifier: Text-2006062722
Title: High-resolution monitoring of the Hayward fault and Bay Area bridges
Creator(s): Dreger, Douglas S.; Nadeau, Robert M.; Clymer, Richard W.; Uhrhammer, Robert A.; Hipley, Patrick

Icon Identifier: Text-201006234
Title: Data from downhole arrays instrumented by the Caltrans CDMG Project
Creator(s): Hipley, Patrick; Graizer, Vladimir M.; Shakal, Anthony F.

Icon Identifier: Text-S40823
Title: What's shakin'? : an informal information memo
Creator(s): Hipley, Patrick