Identifier: Text-2006031019
Title: Centrifuge study of shallow foundation on saturated sand during earthquakes
Creator(s): Liu, Li; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-200609145
Title: Dynamic properties and seismic response of soft clay deposits
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Vucetic, Mladen
Identifier: Text-200703061
Title: Engineering evaluation of permanent ground deformations due to seismically-induced liquefaction
Creator(s): Baziar, Mohammad H.; Dobry, Ricardo; Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.
Identifier: Text-2008031214
Title: Pore pressure model for cyclic straining of sand
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-200803123
Title: Pore pressure model for cyclic straining of sand
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Pierce, William G.; Dyvik, Rune; Thomas, G. E.; Ladd, Richard S.
Identifier: Text-201104255
Title: Soil properties and the one-dimensional theory of earthquake amplification
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Whitman, Robert V.; Roesset, Jose M.
Identifier: Text-201104256
Title: Compaction of sand on a vertically vibrating table
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Whitman, Robert V.
Identifier: Text-201104265
Title: Densification of sand by vertical vibrations in "standard" molds
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Whitman, Robert V.
Identifier: Text-201111233
Title: Establishment of equivalent linear model and site period of a soil profile
Creator(s): Oweis, Issa; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-201312106
Title: Effect of soil plasticity on cyclic response
Creator(s): Vucetic, Mladen; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-2015051512
Title: Liquefaction and deformation of soils and foundations under seismic conditions
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S23947
Title: Modal analysis for structures with foundation interaction
Creator(s): Roesset, Vinuesa J.; Whitman, Robert V.; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S24656
Title: Dynamic response of pile foundations, analytical aspects : proceedings of a session
Creator(s): O, Neill M.; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S25862
Title: Study of ground motions at soil sites during two California earthquakes : final report
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Singh, Sohan; Bond, William E.
Identifier: Text-S26313
Title: Damping in soils: its hysteretic nature and the linear approximation
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S26458
Title: Modal damping ratios for a layered system on rock
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S32186
Title: Pore pressure model for cyclic straining of sand
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S32245
Title: Static and cyclic/dynamic tests and characterization of offshore tuy-cariaco clays test results and interpretations
Creator(s): Vucetic, Mladen; Dobry, Ricardo; Thomas, Gregory
Identifier: Text-S36036
Title: Centrifuge modeling of cyclic lateral response of pile-cap systems and seat-type abutments in dry sand
Creator(s): Gadre, Aniruddha D.; Dobry, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-S36505
Title: Site factors and site categories in seismic codes
Creator(s): Dobry, Ricardo; Ramos, Ricardo; Power, M. S.
Identifier: Text-S39513
Title: Assessment of geotechnical issues in acute care facilities in California
Creator(s): Lew, Marshall; O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Dobry, Ricardo; Koch, Meghan M.
Identifier: Text-S40440
Title: Centrifuge modelling of permeability and pinning reinforcement effects on pile response to lateral spreading
Creator(s): Gonzalez, Lagos L.; Abdoun, Tarek H.; Dobry, Ricardo