Identifier: Text-200603095
Title: An investigation into the Erzincan (Turkey) earthquake of March 13, 1992
Creator(s): Aydan, Ömer; Hamada, Masanori
Identifier: Text-201204095
Title: The damage to abandoned mines and quarries by the Great East Japan earthquake on March 11, 2011
Creator(s): Aydan, Ömer; Tano, Hisataka
Identifier: Text-2012042710
Title: The Characteristics of geotechnical damage by the 2011 Van-Ercis earthquake
Creator(s): Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Konagai, Kazuo; Aydan, Ömer
Identifier: Text-2012042712
Title: The characteristics of seismic, strong motion and structural damage of the 2011 Van - Ercis earthquake
Creator(s): Konagai, Kazuo; Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Aydan, Ömer; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201204301
Title: The Characteristics of the triggered 2011 Van-Edremit earthquake and induced damage
Creator(s): Aydan, Ömer; Kumsar, Halil; Ulusay, Resat; Kose, Onur; Çelebi, Mehmet