Identifier: Text-2006030918
Title: Small scale tests on countermeasures against liquefaction for pipelines using gravel drain system
Creator(s): Miyajima, Masakatsu; Yoshida, Masaho; Kitaura, Masaru
Identifier: Text-2006030920
Title: Site response and soil liquefaction in San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Meyersohn, Wolfgang D.; Stewart, H. E.; Pease, Jonathan W.; Miyajima, Masakatsu
Identifier: Text-201002253
Title: Triggering of liquefaction under non-zero static driving shear stress
Creator(s): Zhai, E.; Bhushan, K.; Miyajima, Masakatsu
Identifier: Text-201204128
Title: Damage to water supply system induced by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Miyajima, Masakatsu
Identifier: Text-201204131
Title: Summary of the field survey on the damage of bridges in the 2011 off-the-Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake
Creator(s): Takeda, Syuhei; Kosa, Kenji; Miyajima, Masakatsu; Shimizu, Hideki
Identifier: Text-201404112
Title: Damage analysis of buried lifelines in the 2004 Niigata-ken Chuetsu earthquake, Japan
Creator(s): Miyajima, Masakatsu