Identifier: Text-200603099
Title: Analysis of wildlife site liquefaction during the 1987 Superstition Hills earthquake
Creator(s): Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Zeghal, Mourad
Identifier: Text-201002244
Title: Dynamic response of saturated granular soils: a micro-mechanical perspective
Creator(s): Zeghal, Mourad; El Shamy, U.
Identifier: Text-201002266
Title: Physical modeling and visualization of seismically induced liquefaction under high confining stress
Creator(s): Gonzalez, L. L.; Kallou, P. V.; Abdoun, Tarek H.; Zeghal, Mourad; Sharp, M. K.
Identifier: Text-2013031510
Title: Identification of landfill seismic response
Creator(s): Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Zeghal, Mourad; Gunturi, R.
Identifier: Text-201506258
Title: NEES earthquake simulation and networking capabilities at RPI centrifuge
Creator(s): Zeghal, Mourad