Identifier: Text-2009062312
Title: Mechanical characterization and structural assessment of biocomposites for construction
Creator(s): Christian, Sarah Jane; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-200906232
Title: Evaluation of precast, high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete infill panels for seismic retrofit of steel frame buildings: Phase 1 - cyclic testing of single panel components
Creator(s): Olsen, E. Cole; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-200906233
Title: Simulation and performance-based earthquake engineering assessment of self-centering post-tensioned concrete bridge systems
Creator(s): Billington, Sarah L.; Lee, Won Kuk
Identifier: Text-200906234
Title: Rate-dependence in high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites for seismic retrofits
Creator(s): Douglas, Kyle S.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201003011
Title: Simulation and performance-based earthquake engineering assessment of self-centering post-tensioned concrete bridge systems
Creator(s): Lee, Won Kuk; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-2013071112
Title: Mechanical and environmental characterization of bio-based composites
Creator(s): Miller, S. A.; Lepech, Michael D.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201401315
Title: Impact of long-term material degradation on seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge
Creator(s): Matsuki, S.; Billington, Sarah L.; Baker, Jack W.
Identifier: Text-201404222
Title: Modeling the impact of rate dependence in HPFRCC materials on the behavior of infill panels
Creator(s): Douglas, Kyle S.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201406258
Title: Performance-based assessment of a self-centering bridge pier system for seismic regions
Creator(s): Lee, Won Kuk; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-2014121710
Title: Performance of fiber-reinforced concrete infill panel system for retrofitting frame structures
Creator(s): Billington, Sarah L.; Kesner, Keith E.
Identifier: Text-2015060510
Title: Ductile cement-based infill panels for seismic retrofits
Creator(s): Kesner, Keith E.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201507029
Title: Precast segmental bridge piers with unbonded post-tensioning and ductile, fiber reinforced concrete for seismic applications
Creator(s): Yoon, Jaekyung Kay; Billington, Sarah L.; Rouse, J. Matt
Identifier: Text-2015071411
Title: Seismic response of unbonded post-tensioned concrete columns
Creator(s): Billington, Sarah L.; Kwan, Wing-Pin
Identifier: Text-201601299
Title: Performance-based assessment of a self-centering bridge pier system for seismic regions
Creator(s): Lee, Won Kuk; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201602251
Title: Design and behavior of steel shear plates with openings as energy-dissipating fuses
Creator(s): Ma, X.; Borchers, E.; Pena, A.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Billington, Sarah L.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201602293
Title: Characterization and modeling of biobased composites and structural insulated panels
Creator(s): Michel, A.T.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201709121
Title: Response of reinforced engineered cementitious composite flexural members subjected to various cyclic deformation histories
Creator(s): Frank, Timothy; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201710272
Title: Behavior, modeling, and impact of bond in steel reinforced high-performance fiber-reinforced cement-based composites
Creator(s): Bandelt, Matthew J.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-201710274
Title: A framework for engineering sustainable composites based on time-dependent material properties and environmental impact assessments: an application to bio-based composite design
Creator(s): Miller, S. A.; Lepech, Michael D.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-S39253
Title: Tension, compression and cyclic testing of engineered cementitious composite materials
Creator(s): Kesner, Keith E.; Billington, Sarah L.
Identifier: Text-S39623
Title: Development of seismic strengthening and retrofit strategies for critical facilities using engineered cementitious composite materials
Creator(s): Kesner, Keith E.; Billington, Sarah L.