Identifier: Text-200512147
Title: Characteristics of Earthquake Ground Motion during the Aftershocks of the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004
Creator(s): Koyama, Shin; Kashima, Toshihide; Okawa, Izuru; Iiba, Masanori; Morita, Kohichi
Identifier: Text-2012032916
Title: Summary of recorded building responses during the 2011 off-the-Pacific-coast of Tohoku eaerthquake with some implications to design motions
Creator(s): Okawa, Izuru; Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Iiba, Masanori; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201204042
Title: Strong motion data recorded in buildings damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Okawa, Izuru; Iiba, Masanori
Identifier: Text-201204173
Title: Building damage by the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake and coping activities by NILIM and BRI collaborated with the administration
Creator(s): Nishiyama, Isao; Okawa, Izuru; Fukuyama, Hiroshi; Okuda, Yasuo
Identifier: Text-201211286
Title: Response of a tall building far from the epicenter of the March 11, 2011 M=9.0 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Okawa, Izuru; Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Iiba, Masanori
Identifier: Text-2013100418
Title: Evaluation of responses of base-isolated buildings to a subduction-zone-mega-earthquake
Creator(s): Nishikawa, Koji; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Okawa, Izuru
Identifier: Text-S36435
Title: Proceedings UJNR Workshop on Soil-Structure Interaction, Menlo Park, California, September 22-23, 1998
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Okawa, Izuru