Identifier: Text-2005121421
Title: Ground Motion Intensity Measures for Structural Performance Assessment at Near-Fault Sites
Creator(s): Cornell, C. Allin; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200606141
Title: Effects of Earthquake Record Scaling on Non Linear Structural Response
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200606285
Title: Loading histories for seismic performance testing of SMRF components and assemblies
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut; Gupta, Akshay; Medina, Ricardo A.; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200701236
Title: Advanced seismic assessment guidelines
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin; Menun, Charles A.; Motahari, Maziar; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200901264
Title: Seismic performance assessment of nuclear power plants
Creator(s): Huang, Yin-Nan; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-200905111
Title: Performance assessment of conventional and base-isolated nuclear power plants for earthquake and blast loadings
Creator(s): Huang, Yin-Nan; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-201003192
Title: Risk-targeted versus current seismic design maps for the conterminous United States
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-2010063088
Title: Dynamic versus static computation of the residual capacity of a mainshock-damaged building to withstand an aftershock
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas; Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201106276
Title: Effects of earthquake record scaling on nonlinear structural response
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas; Bazzurro, Paolo
Identifier: Text-2011062810
Title: Advanced seismic assessment guidelines
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Cornell, C. Allin; Menun, Charles A.; Luco, Nicolas; Motahari, Maziar
Identifier: Text-201109162
Title: Risk-targeted versus current seismic design maps for the conterminous United States
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-201403066
Title: Effects of rupture directivity on earthquake loss estimation
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Sjoberg, Brian; Park, Jaesung; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-201403148
Title: Damage potential of near-source ground motion records
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-2014050111
Title: Do scaled and spectrum-matched near source records produce biased nonlinear structural responses?
Creator(s): Bazzurro, Paolo; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-201405224
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis, SMRF connection fractures, and near-source effects
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-2015070215
Title: Probabilistic seismic demand analysis at a near-fault site using ground motion simulations based on a stochastic-kinematic earthquake source model
Creator(s): Luco, Nicolas; Mai, P. M.; Cornell, C. Allin; Beroza, G. C.
Identifier: Text-S38020
Title: The effect of connection fractures on steel moment resisting frame seismic demands and safety : a report on SAC phase 2 Task 5.4.6
Creator(s): Cornell, C. A.; Luco, Nicolas
Identifier: Text-S38526
Title: The effects of connection fractures on steel moment resisting frame seismic demands and safety
Creator(s): Cornell, C. A.; Luco, Nicolas