Identifier: Text-200512083
Title: Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-2006031031
Title: Experimental study on behavior of the boundary between liquefied and non-liquefied ground
Creator(s): Taguchi, Yosuke; Ishihara, Kenji; Kato, Susumu
Identifier: Text-200705302
Title: Liquefaction of shallow deposits of sand during earthquakes
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-201002224
Title: Evaluation of settlement of silty sand deposits following liquefaction during earthquakes
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji; Tsukamoto, Y.; Sawada, S.
Identifier: Text-201003019
Title: Interpretation from large-scale shake table tests on piles subjected to spreading of liquefied soils
Creator(s): Cubrinovski, M.; Kukusho, T.; Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-201003151
Title: Residual deformation characteristics of partially saturated sandy soils subjected to seismic excitation
Creator(s): Tsukamoto, Y.; Ishihara, Kenji; Sawada, S.; Kanno, T.
Identifier: Text-201110284
Title: Evaluation of liquefaction potential and consequent deformations in sand fills
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-201111185
Title: Effects of overconsolidation and Ko conditions on the liquefaction characteristics of sands
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji; Takatsu, H.
Identifier: Text-201204022
Title: Liquefaction in Tokyo Bay and Kanto regions in the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-201204261
Title: Liquefaction of silty sand : preliminary studies from recent Taiwan, New Zealand and Japan earthquakes
Creator(s): Lee, Wei F.; Ishihara, Kenji; Chen, Chun-Chi
Identifier: Text-S26332
Title: Liquefaction of soils during earthquakes. Final report
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-S26381
Title: Analysis of landslides during the 1978 Izu-Ohshima-Kindai earthquake
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji; Nagao, Akira
Identifier: Text-S34408
Title: Earthquake geotechnical engineering : proceedings of IS-Tokyo '95/the First International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Tokyo, 14-16 November, 1995
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji
Identifier: Text-S35096
Title: Soil behaviour in earthquake geotechnics
Creator(s): Ishihara, Kenji