Identifier: Text-200512054
Title: Special Truss Moment Frames: Design Guide
Creator(s): Goel, Subhash C.; Rai, Durgesh C.; Basha, Hisham S.
Identifier: Text-201208226
Title: Evaluation of code-specified strengthening schemes for open first-storey in masonry infilled RC frames
Creator(s): Kaushik, H. B.; Rai, Durgesh C.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-201208228
Title: Seismic strengthening of RC buildings using steel cage and aluminium shear links
Creator(s): Sahoo, D. R.; Rai, Durgesh C.
Identifier: Text-201304243
Title: Seismic evaluation and upgrading of existing steel concentric braced frames
Creator(s): Goel, Subhash C.; Rai, Durgesh C.
Identifier: Text-201404106
Title: Confining masonry using press-cast RC element for enhanced earthquake safety
Creator(s): Paikara, Samaresh; Rai, Durgesh C.
Identifier: Text-201410152
Title: SNAP-2D [Structural Nonlinear Analysis Program] - user's guide
Creator(s): Firmansjah, Jodi; Goel, Subhash C.; Rai, Durgesh C.
Identifier: Text-2015061910
Title: Inelastic seismic demand on circular shaft type supports for elevated tanks
Creator(s): Rai, Durgesh C.; Yennamsetti, Sudheer K.
Identifier: Text-S35325
Title: Jabalpur earthquake of May 22, 1997 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Rai, Durgesh C.
Identifier: Text-S39119
Title: Reconnaissance report : Andaman (Diglipur) earthquake of 14 September 2002
Creator(s): Rai, Durgesh C.; Murty, C. V.