The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201211214
Title: Seismic hazard and risk analysis (Persian translation of text by Mehdi Zare)
Creator(s): McGuire, Robin K.; Zare, Mehdi

Icon Identifier: Text-201306115
Title: An Introduction to applied seismology
Creator(s): Zare, Mehdi

Icon Identifier: Text-201307023
Title: Fundamentals of seismic hazard analysis
Creator(s): Zare, Mehdi

Icon Identifier: Text-201507204
Title: A Study on the strong motion data of Golestan, Ardebil, 1997 earthquake (Mw=6.0, NW Iran)
Creator(s): Zare, Mehdi

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050302
Title: The energy content of the strong ground motions in Iran
Creator(s): Zare, Mehdi